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Service Metrics Report

This report provides a full set of key performance indicators for selected inbound services.

The related metrics in this report are calculated for call and/or chat media types. For email service metrics, use the Email Service Report.

Note: If you run service reports for time periods when you had old or discontinued services, the names of these services will be displayed; this includes deleted services. The reports for these time periods will show that you had interactions as well as the service names you had at that time. Note that if you do not have any activity on these services within 30 days, the system will display the service names in italics; the system will not show the names at all after 90 days without activity.

Metric Descriptions

Number of Calls Received

Number of Calls Received is the total number of calls/chat interactions that requested this service in the given reporting interval.

If a call requests a service upon arrival and then is transferred to the same service internally, it will be counted twice in this metric. Likewise, if a chat interaction requests a service upon arrival and then is transferred to the same service internally, it will be counted twice in this metric. Please consider that due to different ways of treatment of calls there might be discrepancies in the service reports between the number of handled calls (i.e., answered, received etc.) and queued calls. A received call might be transferred or escalated and it will be counted as many times as it was transferred.

Received as Transfers

For voice calls only, Received as Transfers is the number of calls that requested this service via transfer operation.

Service Level

Service Level is the percentage of calls or chats to this service that were answered within the predefined service level threshold relative to all answered or abandoned calls/chats except the calls/chats abandoned within that threshold.

Self Service

For voice calls only, Self Service is the number of calls serviced by an IVR application (as indicated by execution of scenario block Self-Service Provided).


For voice calls only, % is the percentage of calls serviced by an IVR application relative to total number of calls that requested this service.

Abandoned in IVR

Abandoned in IVR is the number of calls/chats to this service that were abandoned before entering the queue (e.g., while still in the IVR stage).


% is the percentage of calls/chats to this service that were abandoned in IVR relative to total number of calls that requested this service.


Queued is the number of calls/chats to this service that entered the queue, including calls/chats that selected the Virtual Queue option.


% is the percentage of calls/chats to this service that entered the queue relative to total number of calls/chats that requested this service.


Abandoned is the number of calls/chats to this service that abandoned after they were placed in the service queue. Note that if the Service Level is configured for this service, this metric will exclude the calls that abandoned within the service level threshold (i.e., short abandoned calls).

This metric includes:

  • Calls that were abandoned while ringing
  • Chats that were closed after the chat interaction was initiated
  • Calls that selected the Virtual Queue option (i.e., a callback was requested), and
    • Did not answer when called back, or
    • Were busy when called back, or
    • Answered when called back but hung up before being connected to the agent


% is the percentage of calls/chats to this service that were abandoned outside of the service level threshold relative to the total number of calls/chats that requested this service except the calls/chats abandoned within the service level threshold.

Abandonment Time, Average

Abandonment Time, Average is the average time that the abandoned calls/chats to this service spent waiting in the service queue. For voice calls, Abandonment Time, Average could be the average time that the call was ringing before being abandoned (excluding calls abandoned within the service level threshold).


Overflow is the number of calls/chats to this service that were routed to overflow destinations.


% is the percentage of calls/chats to this service that were routed to overflow destinations relative to the total number of calls/chats that requested this service.


Answered is the number of calls/chats to this service that were accepted by agents, including calls that selected the Virtual Queue option, answered when called back, and were connected to agents.


% is the percentage of calls/chats to this service that were answered by agents relative to total number of calls/chats that requested this service.

Average Speed of Answer

Average Speed of Answer is the average time that answered calls/chats spent waiting in the service queue and ringing the desktop before being accepted.

Average Handling Time (Inbound)

Average Handling Time (Inbound) is the average time that answered calls/chats to this service were handled by agents, including hold time and after-call-work time.

Average Talk Time (Inbound)

Average Talk Time (Inbound) is the average talk/chat time for the calls/chats to this service that were accepted.

Average Hold Time (Inbound)

For voice calls, Average Hold Time (Inbound) is the average hold time for the calls to this service that were put on hold at any time during their handling. For chats, Average Hold Time (Inbound) is the average time in between chat replies.

Average Wrap-up Time (Inbound)

Average Wrap-up Time (Inbound) is the average after-call-work time for the calls/chats to this service.

Number of Calls Made

Number of Calls Made is the number of outbound calls/chats associated with this service, including unanswered calls/chats.

Average Handling Time (Outbound)

For voice calls only, Average Handling Time (Outbound) is the average time that answered outbound calls associated with this service were handled by agents. This metric includes hold time and after-call-work time, but it does not include dialing time.

Average Talk Time (Outbound)

For voice calls only, Average Talk Time (Outbound) is the average talk time for the outbound calls associated with this service.

Average Wrap-up Time (Outbound)

For voice calls only, Average Wrap-up Time (Outbound) is the average after-call-work time for outbound calls associated with this service.

Number of Surveys

These are the number of surveys available for calls (both inbound and outbound) and chats associated with this service.

First Call Resolution %

This is the percentage of surveys that indicated first-call or first-chat resolution relative to the number of surveys where the first-call or first-chat resolution received a response.

Contact Satisfaction

Contact Satisfaction is the average of contact satisfaction marks from all surveys where the contact satisfaction question received a response.

Net Promoter Score

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is based on the results of surveys available for calls/chats associated with this service. For more information about NPS, see


If co-browsing with Surfly is configured, Co-browse displays the number of chat interactions with co-browsing sessions handled for this service.

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