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Get Completed Records

This method returns a list of completed records in the calling list that have a completion time that is greater than or equal to the requested initial time (UTC). Input parameters are the initial time in ISO format and the maximum size of the returned list. Current implementation limits "maxSize" to 1000 records. All time values are returned in UTC.






Body Content Type

JSON object




“completedTime”:“2013-03-01T13:15:06.456”,  // UTC 
“entry”: {
 “status”: {
“completed”:  true,                     // Boolean, always true
“lastDisposition” : <DispositionName>,  // Final disposition if completed,
                                        // last call attempt disposition
                                        // otherwise
“lastDate”  : “2013-07-05T15:19:04.000+0400”  // date completed or
                                              // last call attempt made 
“lastPhone” : <phone num>               // Phone number used in final attempt
                                        // or last attempt otherwise
“lastCallDuration” : <sec>              // Call duration from the moment of
                                        // customer answer
“lastAgent”: <login_id>                 // Login ID of the agent who
                                        // handled the last call
“totalAttempts”: <num>                  // Total number of call attempts made
                                        // per record, counts all numbers.


  • The returned list contains JSON objects sorted by completion time.
  • The “entry” field of these objects contains a copy of the list entry.
  • Field names are provided as they were defined during list creation.
  • The “status” field contains the results of calling this record in this campaign.
  • Field names are predefined.
  • “Completed” is always present; all other fields may be absent if record was never called or never reached agent.

Response Codes

Code Description
200 Success
400 Bad request (missing required fields or format not understood)
401 Authentication failed
403 User authenticated but does not have sufficient privileges
404 Calling List is not found, campaign is not found, or invalid URL


List of JSON objects

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