From Bright Pattern Documentation
Get List of Access Numbers
This method returns the list of access numbers assigned to the specified tenant with tenantUrl. If the tenant is not specified (i.e., if tenantUrl is absent), it returns the list of unassigned access numbers.
For more information about access number parameters, see the Bright Pattern Contact Center Service Provider Guide, section Access Numbers.
URL | http[s]://<host>:<port>/configapi/v2/accessnumbers[/tenantUrl] |
Method | GET |
Content Type | Access number data (content type: application/JSON) |
Body |
{ "number":"12345678", "count":10, "tenantUrl":"", "trunks":[ { "name":"trunk_name", "prefix":"0" }, ..... ], “smsAccounts”: [ “account name 1”, “account name 2”, ..... ], “media”:”VOICE_AND_TEXT” } |
Code | 200 - Success
403 - Access denied |