How to Invite Experts to Join Conference Chats with Customers
There may be times when you need a specialist or expert to jump in on a chat and speak directly to your customer. If your contact center integrates with Microsoft Teams, you can easily invite experts to join service chat conversations. When Teams experts join the fun, the chat interaction becomes a conference chat featuring you (the agent), the expert, and the customer.
This article will show you how to include experts in your service chats.
- Visit your User Profile settings to make sure that Microsoft Teams is enabled. When enabled, you are signed in to your Microsoft account and you will be able to engage with Teams experts without having to sign in again.
- During the chat, in the chat session pane, click the add icon
to invite another user from the directory to join the chat.
- Browse the Directory and click the Microsoft Teams Chats folder to expand it. You will see any recent personal chat messages that you have previously had with Teams experts.
- If there are no existing chat messages in this folder, this means that you have not had any chats with Teams users before. A Teams user will appear in the Teams Chats folder after a Teams user starts the first message to you, or after you send the first message to a Teams user via the Teams application. For help with sending messages to experts, see How to Get Help from Experts During Active Interactions Via the Directory.
Note that you cannot invite Teams users from channels, and the Microsoft Teams Channels folder will not be shown in the Directory. - Click on the name of the Teams expert that you would like to invite to the chat, and then click Invite. Repeat this process for all the experts you wish to invite.
Once connected, the expert(s) will receive a message on Teams and will see the message text prefixed with your user name or chat nickname (if set in your User Profile), along with all history of the service chat (i.e., customer text, your text, attachments, emojis, system messages, etc.).
In the chat, you will see that the expert(s) have joined the conversation and their replies will be shown.