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• 5.19

Integrate Facebook Messenger with Bright Pattern Contact Center


Call Center Configuration > Integration Accounts

Bright Pattern Contact Center communicates with Facebook Messenger using the Meta Graph API. This guide describes setting the connection parameters which authenticate and authorize Bright Pattern Contact Center to send messages to and receive messages from Facebook Messenger.


  • A Facebook Page username
  • A Facebook Page ID
  • A Facebook access token
  • Facebook Messenger enabled for your tenant by your service provider
  • Bright Pattern Contact Center v5.0 or newer
  • Privileges to create an integration account in Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator

Info.40x40.png For instructions on configuring the required Facebook dependencies, see Configure Facebook Messenger for Integration.

The connection parameters page in Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator.

Integration Steps

Configure Properties


Call Center Configuration > Integration Accounts > Properties

  1. Log in to Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Call Center Configuration > Integration Accounts' and click Add Account. The Create integration account dialog appears.
  3. Choose Messenger in the Create integration account dialog.
  4. Select Facebook in the Messenger Type dialog, then click OK.

Info.40x40.png Contact your Bright Pattern Contact Center service provider if you don’t see Facebook listed as a messenger type.

  1. Enter a value for the Facebook Page Username.
  2. Click the Page ID link to add a Facebook Page ID.
  3. Click the Token link to add a Facebook Page ID.
  4. Enter a value for Webhook Verify Token or click Generate random token to create one.
  5. Click Test Connection.
  6. Add the Webhook Verify Token and Callback URL to a Messenger app in
  7. Test the integration. The Test a Messenger Integration' guide walks through setting up Bright Pattern Contact Center to send and receive messages between the messenger and Bright Pattern Contact Center Agent Desktop.

Configure System Messages


Call Center Configuration > Integration Accounts > System Messages

The integration account System Messages page in Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator.

Messages for chat events can be configured at the integration account level. Each message box corresponds to a common chat event. Message boxes have three states: Custom, Default, and Disabled.

Messages entered in the message box for a chat event will be sent when the chat event is triggered.
The message box populates with the messages entered in Call Center Configuration > Chat Settings and the message box is disabled. The default message will be sent when the chat event is triggered.
The corresponding chat event trigger is ignored, and no message will be sent.