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Proactive Offer

Proactive offers are chat interactions initiated by your contact center that offer opportunities to call or chat with a live agent. The contents of the proactive chats are customized in the Proactive Offer tab of chat widget configuration.

Proactive Offer Properties

Chat Widget Configuration > Proactive Offer tab


To enable proactive offers for your chat service, select the Enabled checkbox.

HTML Content

HTML Content is the HTML code that is pasted here to provide access to the web elements of the chat application that customers will use to access your contact center via the given messaging scenario entry.

Contact options

There are two ways for customers to contact your call center: chat and phone calls. Contact options to be shown on the chat widget include the following.

Chat button enabled

To enable the chat button to appear on the widget, select the Chat button enabled checkbox. When the customer clicks the chat button, a new chat interaction will be initiated.

Chat button text

The chat button's label can be customized to display any text or brief message (e.g., "Chat with us now"). Type your desired chat button label in the Chat button text field.

Phone call button enabled

To enable the phone call button to appear on the widget, select the Phone call button enabled checkbox. When the customer clicks the phone call button, the agent accepts the chat and can call the customer's provided phone number using the Initiate call button.

Phone call button text

The phone call button's label can be customized to display any text or brief message (e.g., "Speak to an agent"). Type your desired phone call button label in the Phone call button text text entry field.

Cancel button text

The Cancel button text may be customized as well. Enter the desired text or brief message in the text entry field. When the customer clicks the cancel button, the proactive offer chat will not be initiated.

Close button

When clicked by the customer, the Close button closes the proactive chat window and hides it from view. To enable customers to close the chat widget, select the Close button checkbox.

Proactive Offer Styling

The following properties relate to Proactive Offer styling.

Proactive Offer Styling properties


The widget width can be specified in pixels.


The widget height can be specified in pixels.

Animation in

You can specify how the proactive chat widget moves across or appears on the screen.

Choose from the following Animation in options:

  • pop
  • slide from left
  • slide from right
  • slide from top
  • slide from bottom

Animation out

You can also specify how the proactive chat widget moves off the screen.

Choose from the following Animation out options:

  • disappear
  • fade out
  • slide to left
  • slide to right
  • slide to top
  • slide to bottom


Location is where the chat widget will be placed on your webpage:

  • top_left
  • top_middle
  • top_right
  • right_middle
  • bottom_left
  • bottom_middle
  • bottom_right
  • left_middle
  • center

Proactive Offer Conditions

Proactive Offer conditions are the requirements that must be met for the proactive chat to be shown to website visitors.

Add proactive offer conditions

How to Add Conditions

  1. Beside "Conditions," click add.
  2. In the dialog that pops up, enter the title, the unique name for this condition.
  3. Click add.
  4. Select a condition with the appropriate specification.

Condition Types

Max wait time, over

Define the maximum number of seconds to wait before sending the proactive offer.

URL path prefix matches

Specify the URL prefix (e.g., /folder1) that must be matched.

This condition is useful for when you wish to pop a proactive offer only when a visitor navigates to a specific webpage. The webpage URL prefix is the path of that page (i.e., everything that follows https://www.domain). For example, specifying URL prefix /news/local will ensure that the proactive offer is only shown when the visitor goes to the local news page.

"URL path prefix matches" condition

URL path prefix in history

Specify the URL prefix (e.g., /folder1) from history.

Days of week

Select the day(s) of the week to send the proactive offer.

Days of month

Select the day(s) of the month to send the proactive offer.


Select the month(s) to send the proactive offer.

Time of day

Select the time of day you want to send the proactive offer; you may configure a time range in hours:minutes during which the offer appears. Note that the time of day is the customer's time in their own desktop and not your contact center time.

Cookie is present

Enter the cookie that must be present.

Referring URL

Specify the URL that referred the customer to your site.

Duration of visit over

Define the maximum number of seconds that the customer should be on your site before sending the offer.

Number of pages visited

Enter the number of webpages visited.

About to exit (mouse move)

Add this condition to send the proactive offer when there's a mouse move to exit.

First visit to the site

Add this condition if it's the first time the customer has been to your site.

Chatted before

Add this condition if the customer has chatted with your contact center before.

JS variable is true

Specify which JavaScript variable needs to be true.


Specify which language the customer uses.

Scrolls to

Enter the number of screens down that the customer browses.

Mobile visitor

Add this condition if the customer is on your website via a mobile browser.

Number of clicks on page over

Enter the maximum number of clicks that the customer should make.

Estimated wait time, below

If there is an Estimated Wait Time (EWT) for customers to be connected to agents, the condition Estimated wait time, below allows administrators to show the proactive offer only when the expected time in the queue for customers would be less than the configured amount of time.

Non-mobile browser

When configured, Non-mobile browser allows proactive offers to be blocked on mobile devices.

Pre-Chat Form Configuration

Learn about the properties for Pre-Chat Form Configuration.

Pre-Chat Form Configuration
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