From Bright Pattern Documentation
< 5.8:Amazon-aws-lambda-integration-guide
Revision as of 04:12, 29 May 2024 by BpDeeplTranslateMaintenance (talk | contribs) (Updated via BpDeleteTranslateTags script)
• 5.19 • 5.8
The Amazon AWS Lambda Integration Guide explains the steps required to integrate Amazon AWS Lambda functions into your Bright Pattern Contact Center environment.
More specifically, Amazon AWS Lambda allows you to create functions (i.e., programs). The Bright Pattern Contact Center AWS Lambda scenario and workflow blocks allow you to invoke these functions. Because you define what your functions can do, Amazon AWS Lambda integration allows you to enhance your contact center’s functionality in countless ways. Use cases include the following:
- Augment existing Bright Pattern Contact Center scenario functions with your custom Lambda functions, allowing you to leverage the language and module capabilities offered by AWS Lambda, as well as the breadth of available AWS APIs.
- Execute existing Lambda functions (e.g., identification against a custom data lake).
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