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How to View Your Evaluations

The evaluations for all of your interactions live in a special part of Agent Desktop called My Evals.

Each evaluation is sorted according to type:

The following procedure shows you how to find and view your evaluations.


  1. On the Agent Desktop application’s navigation bar, click on the Quality Management icon. Agent-Eval-Home-Icon-5310.png

  2. The Eval Home screen appears, which is where you will find links to all evaluations for your customer interactions.

  3. In the My Evals section on the left side of the screen, you will find a column of clickable search preset buttons that display counters (i.e., numbers) of the evaluations available in a specific status:

    1. Pending confirmations - The evaluations of your interactions that you need to accept or reject

    2. Accepted - If you are an agent, the evaluations of your interactions that have been accepted/confirmed by anyone; if you are an evaluator, the evaluations submitted by this evaluator and accepted by anyone.

    3. Disputed - If you are an agent, the evaluations of your interactions that have rejected/disputed by anyone; if you are an evaluator, the evaluations submitted by this evaluator and rejected (but not reopened yet).

    4. Failed - The evaluations of your interactions that do not have a high enough score to be considered passing

      My Eval shows your evaluations and interactions

  4. Click on one of the search preset buttons to go to a list of interactions of the given type.

  5. To view an evaluation, double-click on the selected interaction; it will launch in Eval Console. From here, you can view the evaluation on the right side of the screen.
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