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Accessing Oracle Service Cloud Data from Scenarios

If you do not wish to configure your Bright Pattern Contact Center for Single Sign-On with Oracle Service Cloud, you can access Oracle Service Cloud data directly from Bright Pattern scenarios instead.

For every customer interaction that enters your contact center, the Bright Pattern Contact Center has to process that specific interaction to determine what to do with it (e.g., what prompts or announcements to apply, what resources to queue for, what music to play, or when to over-flow to alternate resources). The logic of such automated interaction processing is defined in scenarios. Execution of a scenario with respect to a specific interaction is triggered by a particular event, such as the arrival of a call at a specific access number or initiation of a chat session from a specific web page.

Scenarios are designed and edited in the application called Scenario Builder. This application is launched from the Contact Center Administrator application when you add a new scenario or select an existing one for editing. For more information, see section Scenarios Overview of the Contact Center Administrator Guide.

Scenario Builder


The instructions that follow will walk you through the process of accessing Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow) data directly from Bright Pattern scenarios.

Step 1: Add RightNow as an integration account.

  • Open the Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator application.
  • Go to Call Center Configuration > Integration Accounts.
  • Click Add account.
  • Select RightNow.
  • Click OK.

Step 2: Establish credentials for your RightNow integration account.

  • Create a Name for this integration account.
  • Copy your RightNow domain URL, and paste it to the URL field.
  • Provide a username and password for accessing RightNow data via this integration account.
  • Click Apply.


Step 3: Confirm that Oracle Service Cloud and BrightPattern are connected.

Click the Test connection button. You should receive confirmation that the connection between the Bright Pattern platform and Oracle Service Cloud data repository is valid.

Step 4: Enable data access from scenarios, and turn on screen-pop functionality.

You can make Oracle Service Cloud data accessible from scenarios, as well as enable screen-pop, when working in the Bright Pattern Contact Center Scenario Builder application.

Scenario Blocks

After you have set up your Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow) integration account, you are able to create and edit scenarios within the Scenario Builder application.

To access Oracle Service Cloud data from a scenario, drag the following scenario blocks onto your scenario.

RightNow scenario blocks

RightNow Search

The RightNow Search scenario block is used to obtain Oracle Service Cloud data.


RightNow Search settings are described as follows.

Title text

Title text is the name of the block instance.

ROQL Query

ROQL Query is the record selection statement in the RightNow Object Query Language. It may contain application variables specified as $(varname).

Recordset name

Recordset name is the name of the recordset that will be retrieved via this search operation.

RightNow Search scenario block properties

RightNow Create Object

The RightNow Create Object scenario block is used to create new records in Oracle Service Cloud.


RightNow Create Object settings are described as follows.

Title text

Title text is the name of the block instance.

Object type

The object type is the type of the RightNow object to be created. You can either select one of the standard objects from the drop-down menu or enter the * name of the desired custom object type.

Variable name of object ID

This is the name of the variable that will be used as identifier for the RightNow object to be created. It will be set only if the block succeeds.

Set fields

This setting is reserved.


Clicking Raw JSON enables object properties to be specified in JSON format.

RightNow Create Object scenario block properties

RightNow Update Object

The RightNow Update Object scenario block is used to update existing Oracle Service Cloud records.


RightNow Update Object settings are described as follows.

Title text

Title text is the name of the block instance.

Object Type

Object Type is the type of the RightNow object to be created. You can either select one of the standard objects from the drop-down menu or enter the name of the desired custom object type.

Object Identifier

This is the identifier of the object to be updated.

Set fields

This setting is reserved.


Clicking Raw JSON enables object properties to be specified in JSON format.

RightNow Update Object scenario block settings

RightNow Screen Pop

The RightNow Screen Pop scenario block is used to synchronize the delivery of calls and related Oracle Service Cloud records to the agents; records can be retrieved using either object IDs or predefined Oracle Service Cloud reports with multiple selection criteria.


RightNow Screen Pop settings are described as follows.

Title text

Title text is the name of the block instance.

Pop screen upon answer

By default, the screen-pop occurs as soon as the interaction is delivered to the agent (i.e., during the alert phase); select this checkbox if you want the screen-pop to occur when the agent accepts the interaction for handling.


Use this option when the scenario can precisely identify the object associated with the interaction using object ID. A Oracle Service Cloud page with the object properties will be displayed to the agent.

  • Object Identifier – This is the identifier of the RightNow object to be displayed. Object Identifier must be specified if the Object option is selected. It may be specified as an application variable in form $(varname).
  • Object typeObject type is the type of the RightNow object to be displayed.
Search results

Use this option to run a predefined Oracle Service Cloud report for object selection. The results of the report will appear on the agent's screen.

  • Report ID - Report ID is the identifier of the Oracle Service Cloud report to be run for object selection.
  • Filters - Click add to define a filter for selecting records within this report. Multiple filters can be defined.
    • Expression - Expression is the table name and field name from the Oracle Service Cloud report definition that will be used as a selection criterion (e.g., contacts.any_phone_raw).
    • Operator - This is the operator used for selection.
    • Value - This can be a single value, a list of values, or a value range. Values can be defined as scenario variables (e.g., $(ANI)).
Cancel screen pop

The available interaction data cannot be used to identify any relevant Oracle Service Cloud records. Use this option to cancel screen-pop of a specific Oracle Service Cloud page that may have been set by a previous use of this block in the same scenario.

RightNow Screen Pop scenario block settings

RightNow Select Account

You can create multiple RightNow integration accounts for access to different Oracle Service Cloud systems. If you have multiple integration accounts, use scenario block RightNow Select Account to specify the integration account that will be used by RightNow blocks in the given scenario. If this block is not used, all RightNow blocks in the given scenario will use access data from the integration account marked as Default account.

Settings for RightNow Select Account are described as follows:

  • Title text – Title text is the name of the block instance.
  • Account – Account is the name of the RightNow integration account that will be used for access to Oracle Service Cloud data by subsequent RightNow blocks in the given scenario.

RightNow Select Account settings

Refer to the Scenario Builder Overview for additional supporting documentation on scenarios and scenario blocks.

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