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• 5.19 • 5.2 • 5.3 • 5.8

Signaling Message Types

Request Call

This message is sent from the client to request a WebRTC call.



“type”: “REQUEST_CALL”,

“offerVideo”: true|false


Call Rejected

This message is sent from the server to indicate that a requested call was rejected.



“type”: “CALL_REJECTED”,

“reason_code”: <reject reason code>,

“reason”: TBD


Offer Call

This message is sent from the server to start a WebRTC session.



“type”: “OFFER_CALL”,

“offerVideo”: true|false,

“sdp”: “<session description string>”


Answer Call

This message is sent from the client to confirm the WebRTC session started by the server.



“type”: “ANSWER_CALL”,

“sdp”: “<session description string>”


ICE Candidate

This message is sent from the client or server with ICE candidate description.



“type”: “ICE_CANDIDATE”,

“sdpMid”: “<candidate id>”,

“sdpMLineIndex”: “<candidate index>”,

“candidate”: “<candidate description>”


End Call

This message is sent from the client or server to end the current WebRTC session.



“type”: “END_CALL”


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