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• 5.19

Adding a New Number

The Bright Pattern Contact Center Number Provisioning application provides users with the ability to add a new phone number. This can be done a few ways, including the option includes the ability to request a move or "port" phone numbers from one carrier to another. Please note that porting requests are supported for United States numbers only.

Option 1 - Adding a Number

The Number Provisioning module allows you to add phone numbers to your contact center. If you are planning to add numbers from a new BYOC, contact your service provider.

Option 2 - Requesting a Port

  • Search for a specific number's carrier
  • Request to port numbers between carriers
    • Prepare the data
    • Create a Letter of Authorization
    • Request port from another carrier


Option 1. Adding a Number

In section Add Your Own Numbers, follow the prompts to add numbers; you will be able to select your carrier from the Carrier drop-down menu.

Numbers may be uploaded via a spreadsheet or entered individually. When you are finished, click "Submit". If your order is successful, you may view the order in section Orders.

Add your own carrier's numbers

Option 2. Requesting a Port

Follow these steps to request porting a number between carriers.

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