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• English
• 5.19 • 5.3 • 5.8


Each row of the agent_activity table contains a set of data related to a single agent activity. For interaction-handling activities, this data includes some basic aggregates, such as the agent’s talk time and hold time. Note that a single agent activity spanning multiple aggregation intervals will be reported separately for each aggregation interval that it spans, and all time-related metrics will count the time within the given interval only. For reporting purposes, time-related metrics of the activities that span multiple intervals can be combined using the activity_id field.

Unless noted otherwise with respect to a particular metric, any call mentioned in this table shall be interpreted as a call that was handled by the agent identified by the login_id field during the given activity.

Description of Data

The following table offers the name (i.e., ID), data type (e.g., BIGINT, BINARY, BIT, DATETIME, ENUM, INT, VARCHAR, etc.), and description for each metric (i.e., column) of the agent_activity table.

Column Name Data Type Description
activity ENUM activity is the activity type.


Note the following:

  • Handling of both preview and predictive campaign calls is reported as activity OUTBOUND_CALL. Only the record preview phase (time before dialing begins) is reported as PREVIEW activity for agents participating in preview campaigns.
  • Time spent doing after-call work is reported as part of INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL activities.
  • Internal calls received by the agent are reported as activity INBOUND_CALL.
  • Internal calls made by the agent are reported as activity OUTBOUND_CALL.
  • The Supervisor state of "Supervising" in the Agent Desktop is reported as activity SUPERVISION.
  • Value of the other_party_phone_type field can be used to distinguish between service and internal calls.
  • Handling of a service chat is reported as activity INBOUND_CALL.
  • Handling of an inbound email is reported as activity INBOUND_CALL.
  • Handling of a follow-up or unsolicited email is reported as activity OUTBOUND_CALL.
  • The value of the media_type and/or service_name field can be used to distinguish between interactions of different media types.
activity_id BINARY (16) activity_id is the unique identifier assigned to the activity.

If a single activity lasts through several adjacent aggregation intervals, it will have the same value of activity_id in each of those intervals.

acw_time BIGINT After-call work time for activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL within the aggregation interval
agent_disposition_code INT For activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL, the numerical code (if defined) of the disposition that the agent assigned to the call
agent_disposition_name VARCHAR For activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL, the name of the disposition that the agent assigned to the call
agent_disposition_notes LONGTEXT For activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL, the text notes that the agent wrote regarding the call
agg_run_id BINARY (16) Aggregator run that produced this record
call_detail_id BINARY Reference to the record in the call_detail table created for the interaction handled by the agent during this activity
case_number VARCHAR For activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL, number of the case with which this interaction is associated; applies to emails only
destination_number VARCHAR For activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL, the phone number dialed by the party that initiated the call.
detail VARCHAR For activity type NOT_READY, detail specifies the Not Ready reason.

For activity type OUTBOUND_CALL, detail specifies the login ID of the called party if the call was made internally and was answered.

disposition ENUM For activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL, disposition specifies how the call-handling activity ended.

The term call in the following descriptions indicates that the given value may be applicable to calls and chats.

Possible values include the following:

  • ABANDONED – For inbound calls, abandoned by the remote party while ringing at the agent desktop; for outbound calls, terminated by the agent before it was answered by the remote party
  • CALLEE_TERMINATED – Call terminated by the party that answered the call
  • CALLER_TERMINATED – Call terminated by the party that made the call
  • CALLER_TRANSFERRED – Remote party transferred the call (i.e., this agent stayed on the call but with another party); the after-transfer part of the call will be reported as the next activity
  • CLOSED – Agent finished processing of the email without a reply (e.g., the email was a spam or no follow-up was necessary); applies to inbound emails only
  • CLOSED_BY_OTHER_RESPONSE – This activity finished because the associated case was dispositioned elsewhere (i.e., by this or another agent in a different activity)
  • CONFERENCED – Call became a conference (the conference phase is reported a separate activity)
  • DISCARDED – Agent discarded an email draft; applies to outbound emails only
  • FORWARDED – Agent forwarded the email
  • MANDATORY_RECORDING_FAILURE - Call terminated due to scenario being terminated as result of a required recording failure.
  • NO_ANSWER – Agent did not accept an incoming interaction
  • REJECTED – Agent rejected the incoming call
  • REPLIED – Agent replied to the email; applies to inbound emails only
  • SAVED – Agent saved an email draft and the Busy state has ended, but the case remains in the agent's personal queue
  • SENT – Agent sent the email; applies to outbound emails only
  • SERVICE_CHANGED – Agent changed the service associated with the email and continued processing it (the after-service-change phase is reported as the next activity)
  • SYSTEM_DISCONNECTED – Call was disconnected by the system
  • TRANSFERRED – Agent transferred the interaction
duration BIGINT Activity duration within the aggregation interval.
email_completion_time BIGINT Email completion time from the moment the email interaction was accepted by the agent or entered his personal queue and until it was completed (including ACW if any) or transferred
held BIGINT The number of times the agent placed the call on hold during this activity; for emails and chats, the number of times the agent had the interaction out of focus during this activity)
max_hold BIGINT The duration of the longest of the number of times the agent placed the call on hold during this activity; for emails and chats, duration of the longest of the number of times the agent had the interaction out of focus during this activity
external_number VARCHAR For activity type INBOUND_CALL, external_number is the access number through which the inbound call entered the system.

For activity type OUTBOUND_CALL, external_number is the Caller ID assigned to the outbound call.

first_name VARCHAR Agent first name as defined in configuration
has_screen_recording BIT Indication of whether agent's screen was recorded during this activity
hold_time BIGINT Total hold time for activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL within the aggregation interval
id BINARY (16) Reserved
last_name VARCHAR Agent last name as defined in configuration
login_id VARCHAR Agent login as defined in configuration
media_type ENUM For activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL, this is the media type of the interaction that the agent handled during this activity.

Possible values include VOICE, CHAT, and EMAIL.

origination_number VARCHAR For activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL, the phone number from which the call was made.
other_party_phone_type ENUM For activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL, other_party_phone_type specifies the location of the remote party on the call.

Possible values include INTERNAL and EXTERNAL.

pending_time BIGINT For activity type INBOUND_CALL, pending_time specifies the duration of the call ringing phase from the moment the call was distributed to this agent and until it was either answered or abandoned.

For activity type OUTBOUND_CALL, pending_time specifies the duration of the call dialing phase from the moment the number dialed by the agent was received by the system and until the call was either answered or abandoned.

pkid INT Primary key
rank VARCHAR Agent rank as defined in configuration
service_name VARCHAR For activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL, service_name is the name of the service associated with the call.

It is not specified for internal calls.

For services of media type chat, any call mentioned in this table shall be interpreted as a service chat interaction in the same context.

session_id BINARY session_id is the agent login session identifier.

A new identifier is assigned to each new LOGIN activity.

The same identifier is assigned to the corresponding LOGOUT and all READY and NOT_READY activities that happened in between.

start_time DATETIME Activity start time; time is given in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
talk_time BIGINT talk_time is the total talk time for activity types INBOUND_CALL and OUTBOUND_CALL within the aggregation interval.

It does not include hold times.

team_name VARCHAR Name of the team that the agent is assigned to as defined in configuration
workitem_id VARCHAR Identifier of the outbound work item associated with this activity.\
agent_country VARCHAR Agent country as defined in User configuration
agent_city VARCHAR Agent city as defined in User configuration
cobrowsing BIT Indicates whether any co-browsing sessions took place during this interaction. Currently works for co-browsing with Surfly only.
ip_address VARCHAR The IP address of the Agent Desktop connection at the time of agent authentication
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