From Bright Pattern Documentation
< 5.19:Simplified-desktop-net-api-specification
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API Instantiation and Initialization
First, the client should create an Api object and attach event handlers:
- m_api = new DesktopControlAPI.ApiLite();
- m_api.eventDispatcher.evtApiUp += this.onApiUp;
- m_api.eventDispatcher.evtApiDown += this.onApiDown;
- m_api.eventDispatcher.evtCallOffered += this.onCallOffered;
- m_api.eventDispatcher.evtCallDialing += this.onCallDialing;
- m_api.eventDispatcher.evtCallDisconnected += this.onCallDisconnected;
Note that by default API logging is enabled:
- ApiLite(bool _enableLog = true);
To disable logging, set enableLog to false.
- m_api = new DesktopCOntrolAPI.ApiLite(false);
Once API is created and event handlers are attached, the client may initialize the API instance:
- m_api.InitAPI();
Once API is connected to the softphone and the evtApiUp event is received, the client may dial calls:
- m_api.CallDial(“4154556565”);
When application terminates the following method should be called to ensure clean termination of the TCP connection between API and the Agent Desktop:
- m_api.ShutdownAPI();
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