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• 5.19 • 5.2 • 5.3 • 5.8


Each row in the disposition_counters table provides metrics for interactions associated with the service specified in the service_name field whose processing ended with a particular disposition.

Description of Data

The following table offers the name (i.e., ID), data type (e.g., BIGINT, BINARY, BIT, DATETIME, ENUM, INT, VARCHAR, etc.), and description for each metric (i.e., column) of the disposition_counters table.

Column Name Data Type Description
id BINARY (16) Primary key
start_time DATETIME Start time of the aggregation interval; time is given in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)
end_time DATETIME End time of the aggregation interval; time is given in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)
agg_run_id BINARY (16) Aggregator run that produced this record
service_name VARCHAR Name of the service as defined in service configuration
disposition_name VARCHAR Disposition name
is_campaign BIT Services of blended type will have two rows of metrics: one where this bit is set to TRUE, counting campaign calls only; the other row with this bit set to FALSE, counting inbound and non-campaign outbound calls
media_type ENUM media_type specifies the interaction media type.

Possible values include VOICE, CHAT, and EMAIL.

If set to CHAT, any call mentioned in this table shall be interpreted as a service chat interaction in the same context.

num_records_completed BIGINT Number of outbound calling records associated with the given service that were completed with the disposition specified in the disposition_name field
num_calls_received BIGINT This metric specifies the number of calls associated with the given service received by agents whose processing ended with the disposition specified in the disposition_name field.

This included predictive campaign calls.

num_calls_outbound BIGINT This metric specifies the number of outbound calls associated with the given service whose processing ended with the disposition specified in the disposition_name field.

It includes regular outbound calls and calls of preview campaign calls that were actually dialed by agents.

num_preview_items BIGINT Number of preview records completed by agents without making a call with the disposition specified in the disposition_name field
num_campaign_calls BIGINT Number of campaign calls associated with the given service whose processing ended with the disposition specified in the disposition_name field


BIGINT Number of inbound calls associated with the given service whose processing ended with the disposition specified in the disposition_name field, excluding predictive campaign calls


BIGINT Number of non-campaign outbound calls associated with the given service whose processing ended with the disposition specified in the disposition_name field
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