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The surveys table contains data from survey responses, specifically from the Scenario Builder application's Save Survey Response block. All DATETIME times are given in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

Description of Data

The following table offers the name (i.e., ID), data type (e.g., BIGINT, BINARY, BIT, DATETIME, ENUM, INT, VARCHAR, etc.), and description for each metric (i.e., column) of the surveys table.

Column Name Data Type Description
comment_sentiment DECIMAL (5,3) The sentiment value of customer's comment
comment_transcript LONGTEXT The transcript of customer's comment
comment_url LONGTEXT The URL where referencing the recording of customer's comment
created_time DATETIME Specifies the date and time the survey was created
cs INT (11) A numeric answer given to the customer satisfaction question asked during this survey (e.g., "On a scale from 1 to 5, how would you describe your experience with our service?"). The answer can be used to follow up with the customer directly, or aggregated into a metric showing average customer satisfaction for interactions of the given service or handled by the given agent/team.
custom1 INT (11) custom1 through custom9 are custom survey fields configured in Custom Survey Fields; they are reserved for other customer-specific metrics.
custom2 INT (11) Custom survey field 2
custom3 INT (11) Custom survey field 3
custom4 INT (11) Custom survey field 4
custom5 INT (11) Custom survey field 5
custom6 INT (11) Custom survey field 6
custom7 INT (11) Custom survey field 7
custom8 INT (11) Custom survey field 8
custom9 INT (11) Custom survey field 9
fcr BIT (1) If a yes/no answer given to the First Call Resolution question asked during this survey (e.g., "Did we resolve your query the first time you contacted us?"), the answer can be used to follow up with the customer directly; additionally, it may be aggregated into a metric showing percentage of cases resolved on the first contact for a given agent/team/service.
global_interaction_id BINARY Global interaction identifier
interaction_id BINARY (16) PK Reserved for internal use
nps INT (11) A numeric answer given to the brand loyalty question asked during this survey (e.g., "On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?"). The answer can be used to follow up with the customer directly, or aggregated into the Net Promoter Score metric that uses a special formula to measure consumer loyalty to the business/brand. For more information, see
ts DATETIME ts provides a time stamp when the survey was saved.
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