<translate>= Configure Bright Pattern to Use SSO= Single sign-on integration configuration is completed in Bright Pattern’s Service Provider application and the Contact Center Administrator application, and it’s tested in the Agent Desktop application.
Bright Pattern Applications
The Service Provider application (i.e., “https://<tenant>.brightpattern.com/sysmgmt”) is where Bright Pattern Contact Center-based solutions are configured and managed at the service provider level. For more information, see the Service Provider Guide.
The Contact Center Administrator application (i.e., “https://<tenant>.brightpattern.com/admin”) is where contact center resources are configured and managed at the system administrator level. For more information, see the Contact Center Administrator Guide.
The Agent Desktop application (i.e., “https://<tenant>.brightpattern.com/agentdesktop”) is where contact center agents and supervisors interact with customers and other users. For more information, see the Agent Guide.
Step 1: Enable SSO feature in Service Provider application
By default, SSO functionality is disabled. Enable it by following these steps:
- In the Service Provider application, go to Tenants and select the name of your contact center from the list.
- Click the Features tab.
- In the list of features to enable or allow, select the checkbox for Enable Single Sign-On.
- Click Apply.
Step 2: Create SSO integration account in Contact Center Administrator
For SSO to work, you must also enable it for your contact center in SSO integration account properties.
- In the Contact Center Administrator application, go to Call Center Configuration > Integration Account.
- Click the Add account button (+) to create a new integration account.
- Select account type Single Sign-On.
- Name the account (e.g., “ADFS”).
- In the Agent Desktop SSO section, select the checkbox for Enable Single Sign-On.
- Enter the Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL, which should be taken from federationmetadata.xml, the file you saved while Installing ADFS:
- Then, beside Identity Provider Certificate, hover your cursor over “empty” and click EDIT.
- In the dialog that pops up, paste your certificate to the certificate option. The certificate should be taken from federationmetadata.xml, the file you saved while Installing ADFS.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
Step 3: Create a user
Before you can test that SSO works, you will need to create a dummy user.
- In the Contact Center Administrator application, go to Users & Teams > Users.
- Click the Add user button to create a new user.
- Set the username as “user1” and specify the desired password.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
Step 4: Test SSO in Agent Desktop
You can try logging in to Agent Desktop with the username and password you just created.
- Go to the Agent Desktop application (e.g., http://<bpsp_hostname>/agentdesktop).
- The login page should redirect you to the ADFS login page.
- Enter the credentials for “user1” that you just created.
- The system will then redirect you to Agent Desktop as the logged-in user.