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ADFS Console Setup

After you have created a test ADFS instance and saved your certificate, you are ready to set up the ADFS Console.


  1. Go to the ADFS Console.

  2. Right-click on Relying Party Trusts and select Add Relying Party Trust.

  3. Select option Enter data about the relying party manually and click Next.

  4. Enter the name for this relying party (e.g., “BPSPTest”).

  5. Select ADFS 2.0 and click Next. Skip the next windows by clicking Next.

  6. Enter the Relying Party URL: https://<bpsp_hostname>/agentdesktop/sso/redirect

  7. On the next screen, select option Permit all users.

  8. Click Next to launch the Claims rules.

  9. In the Claims rules screen, click Add Rule.

  10. Select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims because Agent Desktop will be used as the Claims supplier.

  11. For ClaimRule Name, give a name and enter the Attribute Store.

  12. For mapping, use “UPN” as the NameID.

  13. Add a new mapping: "UPN = CSIMLoginID"
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