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• 5.19 • 5.2 • 5.3 • 5.8


The function that is called upon completion of the call/screen recording methods.


callback = function(data) {
data.recording = 1/0;
data.muted = 1/0;
data.paused = 1/0;


Parameter Type Description Example
data.recording Boolean Indicates if voice/screen recording is currently in progress; note that voice recording is applied to interactions (calls), while screen recording is applied to user sessions "1" (for true; recording is on)
data.muted Boolean Indicates if voice recording is currently muted; returned only for the voice recording methods "0" (for false; recording is not muted)
data.paused Boolean Indicates if screen recording is currently paused; returned only for the screen recording methods "1" (for false, recording is not paused)
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