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The Wait+ workflow block will pause workflow execution for a specified amount of time. Additionally, you may also select the service for which the wait applies and when to cancel the wait (based on dispositions).

Wait+ workflow block


Maximum wait duration

The Maximum wait duration setting is where you specify the number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for which any workflow execution should be paused; the default time is 30 minutes. Decimal fractions are allowed. The maximum value is 15 days.


Service allows you to select from a drop-down menu the service you would like the wait to apply to.

Stop waiting on

Stop waiting on allows you to configure a point to cancel the wait based on the service reaching a specific disposition before the maximum wait duration is reached. To configure this, first, select either Non-final case disposition or Final case disposition, then the select the specific disposition; once these criteria are met, the wait will end.

Wait+ workflow settings

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