From Bright Pattern Documentation
< 5.2:User-management-api-specification
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• 5.2
Export Access Numbers
Exports users' access number data, including the number, media type (voice), extension, name of the scenario used, and display name.
For example:
HTTP Method
Empty. All you need is the URL with host.
Access number data (content-type: application/JSON)
In response to a successful request, some or all of the following parameters will be shown.
Parameters | Data Type | Description | Example |
displayName | string | If using a hardphone, the configured Caller ID | "Best Business" |
extension | integer | The phone extension(s) of the user | "8002" |
firstName | string | The user's first name | "Sheila" |
lastName | string | The user's last name | "Thomas" |
loginId | string | The user's login | "sheila.thomas" |
media | string | The media type of the interaction (e.g., text, voice) | "voice_text" |
number | string | The phone number of the user | "4151234567" |
scenario | string | The name of the scenario the interaction was processed in | "Queue to agent" |
textOutService | string | The name of the service that receives unsolicited inbound messages | "Maintenance renewal SMS" |
type | string | If using a device, the type of device used | "softphone" |
Example Response
"scenario":"Queue to agent",
"textOutService":"Maintenance renewal SMS"
"scenario":"My Conversational IVR",
"textOutService":"Pacific Chat"