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• 5.19

Chat Directive: Sticker

The sticker directive calls a messenger's API to send stickers to messenger users. The sticker directive can be entered via:


The sticker directive consists of a forward slash followed by the word sticker, a sticker ID. an optional package ID and an optional messenger ID.

Sticker directive format
/sticker <stickerId> [, packageId] [, messengerId]

Formatting Rules

  • Directives are case sensitive.
  • Separate a directive from its parameters with a colon or whitespace.
  • Separate multiple parameters with commas.
  • Enclose string parameters in double quotes.
  • Add required parameters before optional parameters.
  • An optional parameter value may be an empty string.

Info.40x40.png Separating a directive from its parameters with whitespace is allowed for backward compatibility. The recommended separator is a colon, except for the buttons directive which only accepts whitespace between the directive and its parameters.


Send a sticker:
/sticker sticker35 
Send a sticker and its package:
/sticker : sticker35, package10
Send a sticker, a package ID and messenger ID:
/sticker : sticker35, package10, line
Send a sticker, an empty package ID and messenger ID:
/sticker : sticker35, , viber

Info.40x40.png Some messengers provide lists of standard stickers and others allow uploading of custom stickers. Links to messenger sticker documentation and sticker APIs:

See also:


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