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Send Message+

The Send Message+ scenario block sends messages in voice or chat scenarios. Messages are sent over chat channels like SMS and messenger. Each channel provides similar options with variations explained in each channel's section.

Voice scenarios
Chat scenarios


The Send Message+ block for voice scenarios sends an SMS message to a phone number if the access number associated with the scenario is SMS capable.

The Send Message+ block for Voice in Scenario Builder.

Conditional Exits

Send error
Allows further processing if the attempt to send a text message returns an error.


The text to send via SMS. Variables in the $(varname) format can be used.
Send to this number
The number to which the SMS message will be sent. Variables in the $(varname) format can be used.


When channel type Initial is selected, the Send Message+ scenario block for chat scenarios sends a message using the channel type over which the interaction originated. The block can be configured to wait for a file and to time out. The conditional exits, Timeout and File Received can be used for further processing, like setting up a loop to receive multiple files.

Info.40x40.png If a chat scenario uses the Initial and SMS channel, the system ensures the Initial channel is the default primary.


  • Using the Send Message+ block to send an SMS during a web chat interaction ensures the SMS channel is used for that block only.
  • If the chat originated as an SMS interaction, SMS is considered the Initial channel and all Send Message+ messages will be SMS.

The Send Message+ block in Scenario Builder for Chat set to the Initial chat channel, with Wait for Response and Expect a File checked, showing the Send Error, Timeout and File Received conditional exits.

Conditional Exits

Send error
Allows further processing if the attempt to send a text message returns an error.


The text to send via SMS. Variables in the $(varname) format can be used.
Send to this number
The number to which the SMS message will be sent. Variables in the $(varname) format can be used.


When channel type SMS is selected, the Send Message+ scenario block for chat scenarios sends a message to a number specified in the Send to this number field. The block can be configured to wait for a file and to time out. The conditional exits, Timeout and File Received can be used for further processing, like setting up a loop to receive multiple files.

The Send Message+ block in Scenario Builder for Chat set to the SMS chat channel, with Wait for Response and Expect a File checked, showing the Send Error, Timeout and File Received conditional exits.

Conditional Exits

Send error
Allows further processing if the attempt to send a text message returns an error.
Available when Wait for response is selected. Executes when the length of time specified in Timeout after, sec expires.
File Received
Available when Expect a file is selected. Executes when a file is received from the user. Populates the result variable value with the file and any text message received with the file.


The text to send. Variables in the $(varname) format can be used.
Send to this number
The number to which the message will be sent. Variables in the $(varname) format can be used.
Wait for response
Select to wait for an incoming chat or SMS message before sending the configured message.
Expect a file
Available when Wait for response is selected. Select to wait for a file for the length of time specified in Timeout after, sec.
Result variable name
Select to pass the incoming message content to the variable name defined here.
Timeout after, sec
Select to set the number of seconds to wait for input before timing out.


When channel type Messenger is selected, the Send Message+ scenario block for chat scenarios sends a message to the messenger address specified in the Messenger "type: address" field. The block can be configured to wait for a file and to time out.

Bulb-on.50x50.png The conditional exits, Timeout and File Received can be used to set up a loop when receiving multiple files.

The Send Message+ block in Scenario Builder for Chat set to the SMS chat channel, with Wait for Response and Expect a File checked, showing the Send Error, Timeout and File Received conditional exits.

Conditional Exits

Send error
Allows further processing if the attempt to send a text message returns an error.

Info.40x40.png Messenger errors are delivered asynchronously, so the Send Message+ block might not exit to the Send Error conditional exit on error, but the error details propagate to the variables $(sendMesageResultCode) and $(sendMesageResultBody).

Available when Wait for response is selected. Executes when the length of time specified in Timeout after, sec expires.
File Received
Available when Expect a file is selected. Executes when a file is received from the user. Populates the result variable value with the file and any text message received with the file.


The text to send. Variables in the $(varname) format can be used.
Messenger "type: address"
The messenger address to which the message will be sent. Variables in the $(varname) format can be used.
Wait for response
Select to wait for an incoming chat or SMS message before sending the configured message.
Expect a file
Available when Wait for response is selected. Select to wait for a file for the length of time specified in Timeout after, sec.


Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat change the names of image files to auto-generated strings when they're sent. The original file names aren't propagated, although the file extension remains.

Result variable name
Select to pass the incoming message content to the variable name defined here.
Timeout after, sec
Select to set the number of seconds to wait for input before timing out.

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