Update the Mobile App
From time to time, mobile users may have to update their Mobile app to get the latest features, fixes, and, most importantly, to make sure the app remains compatible with the latest version of the Bright Pattern Contact Center (BPCC) platform.
Notifications are used to let the users know a new version of the app is available. There are two types of notifications:
- The update is recommended (i.e., the user can download and install the updated version at any time)
- The update is mandatory (i.e., the user must download and install the updated version to continue using it)
Notifications are sent only to the users whose installed app version is older than the latest available version.
Recommended Updates
For recommended updates, users will receive a notification that an update is available. Tapping on the recommended update notification will take the user directly to the app store.
If the user ignores a recommended update notice or has not received it because they were logged out, no further action will be taken by the platform. Note that your service provider may issue multiple notices for recommended updates. Users who have updated their apps will not receive such additional notifications.
If you use package deployment of mobile apps in your environment, you should instruct your mobile users to ignore any recommended update notices. |
Mandatory Updates
For mandatory updates, users will receive a notification that they must update their app to continue using it. Upon acknowledging the notice, users will be logged out of the Mobile App and directed to the app store. Users who choose to ignore a mandatory notice will be automatically logged out soon after receiving the notification.
After a mandatory notification is sent, a logged-out user will not be able to log in until their app is updated.