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After all interactions are finished, call dispositions and other such actions can start a scenario that automates what happens next. For example, setting a particular disposition for an interaction could trigger the following series of events to happen:

  • Send a survey to the customer
  • Wait a specified amount of time (e.g., 30 minutes, 1 day, 1 week, etc.)
  • Send a follow-up email to the customer.

This series of events is called a workflow, and workflows are launched automatically based on the disposition that triggered it.

Workflows are created in the Contact Center Administrator application and are edited in the Workflow Builder application. Workflows will handle any necessary follow-ups, depending on the interaction’s disposition type. Such follow-up actions include setting context variables, sending an email, sending a text message, scheduling an event, clearing a scheduled event, and making an external request (or internal API call). Workflows reduce the workload of agents while following up with customers and gathering data in a consistent way.

For more information, see the Workflow Builder Reference Guide. Note that variables may be used when configuring both scenarios and workflows. For more information, see the appendix Variables.


Workflow Entries Screen Properties

Workflows are added to services as workflow entries. To add a workflow, navigate to Configuration > Workflows and select the + button.


Every workflow entry needs a name. This field is mandatory.


Service is the name of the service with which the workflow entry should be associated.


Triggers are the events that cause a configured workflow to be launched. To add triggers, click add, select the available triggers and their properties, and select the green check mark to apply your changes.

Trigger types include the following:

  • Interaction ends with disposition
  • Non-final case disposition
  • Average sentiment

Interaction ends with disposition

If this trigger is selected, you must select a specific disposition from the drop-down list.

Interaction Ends with Disposition trigger

Non-final case disposition

If this trigger is selected, you must select a specific non-final case disposition from the drop-down list.

Non-Final Case Disposition trigger

Average sentiment

If this trigger is selected, you must show the percentage of the average sentiment. This is done by selecting < or > and moving the percentage slider to the complete the following type of example statement: A workflow is triggered if the average sentiment is greater than 0.51.

Average sentiment
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