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How to Edit a Contact

After a contact has been added, it may be necessary to add to or change the listed information.

Editing an existing contact's information

Info.40x40.png To edit a contact's information, the privilege must be enabled by your contact center administrator.

To edit an existing contact's information, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Contacts section.
  2. In the Contacts tab, find the contact that needs editing.
  3. To view the contact's information, either double-click on the contact name or highlight it and click the Open My-Cases-Edit-Contact-Open-Button-52.PNG button.
  4. After opening the contact's information, click Edit My-Cases-Edit-Contact-52.PNG to add to or remove information.
  5. When you are finished editing the contact's information, click Save My-Cases-Edit-Save-Contact-52.PNG.
  6. If you made edits to a contact's information but do not want to save them, click Cancel My-Cases-Edit-Cancel-Contact-52.PNG.

Contact Augmentation

If your contact center is integrated with an external database (e.g., NextCaller), it is possible to merge matching customer contact information through augmentation. Note the setting that allows augmentation must be configured by your administrator in order to work.

When augmenting a contact, choose which information to merge in Agent Desktop

To augment an existing contact's information, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Contacts section.
  2. In the Contacts tab, find the contact that needs editing.
  3. To view the contact's information, either double-click on the contact name or highlight it and click the Open My-Cases-Edit-Contact-Open-Button-52.PNG button.
  4. After opening the contact's information, click Augment My-Cases-Edit-Augment-Button-52.PNG and a directory will open.
  5. Click the boxes next to the information you wish to merge into Agent Desktop; you may choose to import all contact information from another site (e.g., LinkedIn) or only specific fields (e.g., Name, Email, etc.).
  6. After selecting the information, click OK My-Cases-Edit-Augment-OK-Button-52.PNG.
  7. If you do not wish to proceed with the augmentation, click Cancel My-Cases-Edit-Augment-Cancel-Button-52.PNG.

Info.40x40.png If you do not have an integrated external database and click Augment, a small pop-up window will display the message, "No data."

No integrated database message
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