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• 5.19

Configure LINE for Integration with Bright Pattern Contact Center

Bright Pattern Contact Center communicates with aLINE using the LINE Messaging API. Connecting to the LINE Messaging API requires setting a channel secret and token in the connection parameters page of a LINE integration account in Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator. This guide describes how to generate a channel secret, a token and how to set a webhook for a LINE integration.

Info.40x40.png These instructions are current at the time of publication. For the most recent instructions, visit LINE Messaging API Getting Started.


  • A LINE Developer's account

To generate the values required to integrate LINE with Bright Pattern Contact Center:

Create a Channel

  1. Log in to LINE Developers.
  2. Click Products.
  3. Select the Messaging API card.
  4. Click Start now.
  5. Click Create a new channel.


  1. Click Messaging API.
  2. Fill out the Create a new channel form.
  3. Select Messaging API in the Channel Type list.
  4. Select Create a New Provider in the Provider list.
  5. Click Create.

Get the Channel Access Token

The LINE Channel access token is the connection parameter named Token in the Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator LINE integration account.


  1. Select Channels and click the channel tile.
  2. Click Messaging API.
  3. Go to the Channel access token section, then click Issue.

Get the Channel Secret

The LINE Channel secret is a connection parameter named Channel Secret in the Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator LINE integration account.


  1. Select Channels and click the channel tile.
  2. Click Basic Settings.
  3. Go to Channel secret section, then click Issue.

Configure the Webhook

A webhook allows LINE users to send messages to a LINE account integrated in Bright Pattern Contact Center.

  1. Select Channels and click the channel tile.
  2. Click Messaging API.
  3. Copy the Channel access token and URL-encode it.

Bulb-on.50x50.png Use a service like to URL-encode the channel access token.

  1. Navigate to the Webhook settings section.
  2. Click Edit next to Webhook URL.
  3. Enter the webhook URL using the following format:
https://<host_name>/clientweb/line/webhook/url-encoded access token
  1. Replace <host_name> with the domain name of your Bright Pattern Contact Center.
  2. Replace the <url-encoded access token> with the URL-encoded channel access token.
  3. Click Verify.
  4. Enable Use webhook after the Webhook URL verifies.

Configure the LINE Account Features

LINE provides a group chat feature and several automated messaging features.

  1. Select Channels and click the channel tile.
  2. Click Messaging API.
Allow bots to join group chats
Disable because Bright Pattern LINE integration doesn't support group chats.
Auto-reply messages
Disable LINE's auto-reply messages feature to ensure automated replies only come from Bright Pattern Contact Center.
Greeting messages
Disable LINE's greeting messages to ensure automated greetings only come from Bright Pattern Contact Center.

See also:

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