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• 5.19

Configure Telegram for Integration with Bright Pattern Contact Center

This guide describes how to create a Telegram bot and generate a token required to integrate Telegram with Bright Pattern Contact Center.

Info.40x40.png These instructions were current at the time of publication. For the most recent instructions, visit Telegram core.


  • A Telegram account.


Generate a Telegram bot and token:

Info.40x40.png For detailed instructions to create a bot, see Telegram Bots: An introduction for developers.

  1. Log in to Telegram core,
  2. Go to API development tools and fill out the form.
  3. Log in to your Telegram chat application.
  4. Enter the command /newbot and follow the instructions.</li
  5. Copy the name of your bot.
  6. Copy the token string.

Bulb-on.50x50.png In addition to mobile chat applications, Telegram provides a desktop chat client


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