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< 5.19:MobileAppGuide
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• 5.19

Monitor Mobile App Users

When a user logs in to the Mobile App, this information is reflected in several areas of Bright Pattern Contact Center software:

  • The Login Info tab
  • A supervisor’s agent view
  • The Agent Login/Logout report

Login Info Tab

User login information is available in the Contact Center Administrator application, section Users & Teams > Users > Login Info tab.

Specifically, mobile data can be verified by looking at the following properties:

  • App type and version (e.g., "Mobile v2.17.60 (2.62740)")
  • OS (e.g. “iOS 14.8”)
  • Mobile device model (e.g., "iPhone 8 Plus")

Supervisor Agent View

From the Agent Desktop application, supervisors will be able to easily identify agents using the Mobile app in section Supervision > Agent Metrics View. Agents logged in on the app will have an icon representing a mobile phone displayed next to their state icon.

Agent Login/Logout Report

Admins will be able to utilize Agent Login/Logout to obtain user data related to their login sessions via the Mobile app.

Specifically, the following metrics may be added to the report:

  • Platform (Desktop or Mobile)
  • App Version
  • Mobile Device
  • Operating System

Info.40x40.png These additional data elements are not shown in the stock version of the report, but can be added via the drag-and-drop report customization function.

A customized Agent Login/Logout report
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