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Survey Forms

Survey forms are designed to be sent to your customers via email after interactions are completed. Email interactions are not dictated by scenario, so while it is not possible to utilize the interactive survey features associated with chat or voice scenarios, survey forms provide you an opportunity to request satisfaction input.

Survey forms are created and edited in the Survey Form Editor application and can be distributed by post-transaction workflows. Additionally, a single survey form may be configured in any number of languages you need. For more information, see the configuration example.

Note: This feature is enabled per contact center. For more information, contact your service provider.

Quality Management > Survey Forms configuration

Working with Survey Forms

To create or edit a survey form, navigate to Quality Management in the root menu and select the Survey Forms option. The list in the left pane will list the existing forms. For general information about creating forms, see our configuration example.

How to Add a Form

  1. Click the Add new form Create-New-Form-53.PNG button.
  2. In the Survey Form Editor application that opens, customize the form by dragging controls onto the form canvas and editing their properties.

How to Edit a Form

  1. Select a form in the list of forms that appears.
  2. Click the Edit Edit-Form-53.PNG button.
  3. In the Survey Form Editor application that opens, customize the form by dragging controls onto the form canvas and editing their properties.

How to Delete a Form

  1. In the list of forms that appears, select the form you wish to remove.
  2. Click the Delete Delete-Form-53.PNG button.

How to Clone a Form

  1. In the list of forms that appears, select the form you wish to duplicate.
  2. Click the Clone form Clone-Form-53.PNG button.
  3. The duplicated form will appear in the list with name "Clone of <Name of Original Form>".

How to Import a Form

  1. Click the Import form Import-Form-53.PNG button.
  2. In the dialog that appears, enter the name of the form you wish to import, browse for the file, and click Upload.
  3. The imported form will appear in the list.

How to Export a Form

  1. In the list of forms that appears, select the form you wish to export.
  2. Click the Export form Export-Form-53.PNG button.
  3. The form will be downloaded immediately.


The following is a list of editable properties for Survey Forms. To accept changes made to the properties, click the Apply QM-Survey-Forms-Properties-Apply-53.PNG button. To cancel changes before they have been applied, click the Reset QM-Survey-Forms-Properties-Reset-53.PNG button.

Survey Forms Properties tab


Name is the name of your survey form. Note that your survey name can be changed in the Survey Form Editor.

Select Preview Language

The Select Preview Language drop-down menu allows you to preview a form in the any of the languages the form was configured in.

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