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Case Pending Reasons

Case Pending Reasons is the section where you create the pending reasons for cases; Pending is a state available for Agent Desktop cases that require further action, and the reasons will vary depending on your call center (e.g., needing manager approval, more customer information, etc.). For more information, see the Agent Guide, section Understanding Case States.

Note: Some service configuration changes that affect agent behavior are not picked up dynamically by Agent Desktop. Thus, after making any changes to case pending reasons, we recommend that all affected logged-in agents refresh their browser page.

Case Pending Reasons

How to Create a Case Pending Reason

To create a new Case Pending Reason, click add, enter the reason, then select the green, apply changes checkmark. In Agent Desktop, Case Pending Reasons must be selected if a case is marked as Pending.

Case Pending Reasons as seen in Agent Desktop
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