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• 5.19 • 5.3 • 5.8

List of Error Messages

The following is a list of error messages that you might encounter while working in the Agent Desktop application. These error messages are presented in alphabetical order. Each provides recommendations about what you can/should do when you encounter them. If the recommended actions do not help, contact your system administrator.

If an error message that you encounter is not listed, the only recommended action is to report such an error to your system administrator immediately.

Agent Desktop could not connect to any agent servers - please check if there is network connectivity.

When you see this message, access to the Agent Server is not possible; this could be caused by a variety of issues. Check if your computer has network connectivity. If you can connect via other applications but keep getting this error in Agent Desktop, contact your system administrator.

A limit of 50 favorite entries was reached.

You cannot enter a new favorite contact because you have reached the limit of 50 entries for your favorite contacts. Consider deleting some of your existing favorite contacts before entering new ones.

A network connectivity issue is impacting your phone device.

This is an indication that your Agent Desktop does not have a voice connection to the system. If you intended to login with a phone, but the phone is not active, a banner is shown that cannot be closed and you are placed into a special "Not Ready" agent state.

This message may be shown if you are logging in with one of the phone options and do not have the Agent Desktop Helper Application installed on your computer (or the corresponding Chrome extension if you are using Chrome as your browser). See section Installing/Updating Agent Desktop Helper Application for more information.

Note: Your attempts to install/update Agent Desktop Helper Application may be blocked by your browser (depending on its security settings) and/or some anti-virus software running on your computer. Typically in this case you will see a warning message asking you to either cancel or confirm the download/install. Choose the confirm/allow/proceed option to proceed with the installation/upgrade. If in doubt, contact your system administrator.

You can check if the component is installed on your computer by looking up its name in the list of installed programs (Windows Start Menu > Control Panel > Programs and Features). For the Chrome browser, you should also check whether the corresponding Agent Desktop Chrome Extension is installed and enabled in your Chrome browser (Chrome > More tools... > Extensions).

If the above components are installed and enabled, the next step will be to restart the Agent Desktop Helper Application:

  • Log out of the Agent Desktop.
  • Close the browser.
  • Close all other tabs and windows of all other browsers.
  • Open the browser that you normally use to run your Agent Desktop.
  • Log into the Agent Desktop normally.
  • Restore all other browsers' windows and tabs as needed.

If you are using the Dial-in and keep line open option for your phone, redial the designated number.


  • Depending on the type of your connection, this message may appear for a moment when you log in. This is normal. Your Agent Desktop will be fully functional as soon as this message disappears.
  • Prior to Bright Pattern Contact Center version 5.3.16, this error was named "SIP phone has lost connection with the system."

A problem with voice quality is detected, please check your network connection.

Agent Desktop continuously monitors voice quality parameters of your phone calls. This message is displayed when any of those parameters get out of the acceptable quality range. Once the quality improves, this message will be automatically removed from your desktop.

This message does not necessarily mean that you will not be able to carry on your phone conversation. In most cases, you should be able to finish your current call normally.

You can do the following to improve the voice quality:

  • Close other programs that may be using your internet connection.
  • If you are using a wireless internet connection, make sure you have a strong Wi-Fi signal.

If you keep getting this message, report the problem to your system administrator even if you do not notice any real degradation of speech.

If the degradation of voice quality is noticeable to you or to the people you talk to, consider making yourself Not Ready to prevent delivery of new customer calls to you and report the problem to your system administrator.

Note that the alert is on average jitter and packet loss over 10 seconds; it triggers when the packet reception time jitter exceeds 20msec or packet loss exceeds 10 packets (2%).

Access denied.

Depending on the security policies of your organization, your system may be configured to allow access only from a limited number of IP addresses. This message indicates that the address of the computer you are trying to log in from is not within the predefined address range. You can try to login from another computer or contact your system administrator for help.

This message may also be displayed when the system “believes” that you are trying to listen to a voicemail message intended for someone else. Double-check the corresponding email notification to see that it was sent to you from the system and not forwarded by someone else.

Another user is already logged in with this phone.

You may see this message when you log in with a hardware phone (option An internal phone of the Phone Device menu). It indicates that someone else is already logged on with the number that you have entered for your hardware phone.

Check the number that you have entered for your phone and try again.

Exceeding limit of [XXX]KB per article for Knowledge Base.

This error message indicates that the article you are trying to create for the Knowledge Base exceeds the maximum article size.

Try to shorten the article. If you believe the article cannot be shortened without affecting information or readability, contact your system administrator.

Invalid username or password.

Check the username and password that you have entered and try again.

Microphone and speakers are not recognized.

Make sure that your headset is properly connected to the computer.

Microphone is not recognized.

Make sure that your headset is properly connected to the computer.

Not enough privileges for requested operation.

You may see this message when trying to perform an operation that you are not authorized to perform. If you believe you should be allowed to perform the operation in question, contact your system administrator.

Outbound calls not allowed.

This message is displayed when you try to make an outbound call and indicates that you are not authorized to make any outbound calls. If you believe you should be allowed to make outbound calls, contact your system administrator.

Phone call cannot be established.

You may receive this message when trying to listen to a voicemail message that you received as a link in an email. It indicates that the attempt to call your phone has failed.

Make sure that you are logged on to your Agent Desktop application with a phone device option corresponding to your current phone setup and click the voicemail message link again.

Phone is not present in dial plan.

You may see this message when you log in with a hardware phone (option An internal phone of the Phone Device menu). It indicates that the number that you have entered for your hardware phone is not configured in the system.

Check the number that you have entered for your phone and try again.

Phone line is down. Please dial in and keep line open to enable calling.

This message is displayed as a reminder when you log in with the Dial in and keep line open phone device option. When you use this option for your phone, you should call a designated phone number as soon as you log in in order to set up the nailed connection.

Dial the designated number and follow the instructions.

Please fill out required fields.

You may see this message when working with a web form. It indicates that you are trying to complete processing of the form without entering all required information.

Check the form and fill out all fields marked with the red line.

Speakers are not recognized.

Make sure that your headset is properly connected to the computer.

The user is already logged in. Force log in?

This message usually indicates that you are already logged into the system on another computer.

Click Ok to close the “remote” login session. You will be logged on to the system from your current computer. The “remote” session will be closed with the following notification: This session was logged out automatically because you just logged in somewhere else.

This session was logged out automatically because you just logged in somewhere else.

See the description of message The user is already logged in. Force log in? in this errors list.

You are in the [No answer] state because you did not accept a customer interaction at [HH:MM]. Select the Ready state when ready to handle customer interactions.

If you do not accept an incoming service call, chat, or email within a certain amount of time, the system will return the interaction to the queue and change your state to Not Ready with the “No answer” reason. (Note that because Not Ready reason names are customizable you may see something other than “No answer” in the message text.) This is done to prevent other interactions from being distributed to you in case you accidentally leave your desk without making yourself Not Ready manually.

You can manually make yourself Ready when you are ready to handle interactions again.

You are in the [Connection loss] state because at [HH:MM] a call to this phone was not delivered due to network, firewall, or computer configuration issues. Please ensure this phone can accept calls before switching into the Ready state.

If a call cannot be delivered to you due to problems with your network connection, firewall, or computer configuration, the system will return the interaction to the queue and change your state to Not Ready with the “Connection loss” reason. (Note that because Not Ready reason names are customizable you may see something other than “Connection loss” in the message text.). This is done to prevent other interactions from being distributed to you while the problem persists.

Report this message to your system administrator. When the problem is resolved, you can manually make yourself Ready.

You have been logged out by [Name] at [HH:MM].

This message indicates that you have been manually logged out of the system by your supervisor. Contact your supervisor about the possible reasons.

Your platform is not supported by softphone plugin.

This message indicates one of the following:

  • The type or version of your computer’s operating system is not compatible with the Agent Desktop Helper Application.
  • The type or version of the browser you are using to open Agent Desktop is not compatible with the Agent Desktop Helper Application.

For Macintosh computers only, this message may also indicate that support of Macintosh is disabled in the system.

You can either try to login from another computer or contact your system administrator for help.

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