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• 5.19 • draft

How to Test Incoming WeChat Message Sessions in Agent Desktop

This article describes how to test that WeChat integration has been configured correctly and that incoming messaging sessions are being received in the Agent Desktop application.

Note that WeChat messaging sessions must be initiated by the customer. Agents may receive and reply to inbound WeChat messages, but agents may not initiate a conversation by sending the first outbound message.


Before you begin, please make sure you have:


Step 1: Be Ready on Agent Desktop

Log in to the Agent Desktop application as an agent from the team assigned to the chat service. Set your agent state to Ready.

Step 2: Establish a messaging session with WeChat

Open the WeChat mobile app and send a message to the WeChat sandbox account that was configured in the WeChat integration configuration procedure.

Step 3: Accept the chat

In Agent Desktop, accept the incoming message and reply to it.

The customer’s message will display the WeChat icon to indicate the origin of the message, and the channel selector will show “WeChat” as the current media channel. For more information about using Agent Desktop, see the Bright Pattern Contact Center Agent Guide.

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