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• 5.19 • 5.3 • 5.8


The evaluation_results table contains metrics that describe the results, scores, and data associated with evaluation forms.

Note that some of the metrics given are specific to Bright Pattern Omni QM and they are accessible only if your service provider has enabled Omni QM for your contact center.

Description of Data

The following table offers the name (i.e., ID), data type (e.g., BIGINT, BINARY, BIT, DATETIME, ENUM, INT, VARCHAR, etc.), and description for each metric (i.e., column) of the evaluation_results table.

Column Name Data Type Character Maximum Length Description Example
AGENT_COMMENT LONGTEXT 4,294,967,295 Text comment written by the agent on the evaluation form "I feel I did greet the customer in the expected way and to the best of my ability given the customer kept interrupting me."
AGENT_FIRST_NAME VARCHAR 255 First name of the agent being evaluated "Beverly"
AGENT_LAST_NAME VARCHAR 255 Last name of the agent being evaluated "Crusher"
AGENT_ID VARCHAR 255 Agent identifier as defined in configuration "beverly.crusher"
AGENT_RANK VARCHAR 255 Agent rank "Super"
AGENT_TRAINER_FIRST_NAME VARCHAR 255 First name of the supervisor in charge (i.e., if one is assigned to an agent at the time that the agent handles an interaction) "Christie"
AGENT_TRAINER_LAST_NAME VARCHAR 255 Last name of the supervisor in charge (i.e., if one is assigned to an agent at the time that the agent handles an interaction) "Borden"
AGENT_TRAINER_LOGIN_ID VARCHAR 255 Assigned supervisor login ID ""
AGENT_TRAINING_CLASS VARCHAR 255 ID of the training class that the agent was assigned to at the time of interaction processing "Example Class"
BOOKMARK BIT - A"1" (bookmarked) or "0" (not bookmarked) to indicate whether the evaluation form was bookmarked in QM Eval Home "1"
CD_CUSTOM1 VARCHAR 255 Custom reporting field taken from the call_detail table to simplify report generation "custom_field1"
CD_CUSTOM2 VARCHAR 255 Custom reporting field taken from the call_detail table to simplify report generation "custom_field2"
CD_CUSTOM3 VARCHAR 255 Custom reporting field taken from the call_detail table to simplify report generation "custom_field3"
CD_CUSTOM4 VARCHAR 255 Custom reporting field taken from the call_detail table to simplify report generation "custom_field4"
CD_CUSTOM5 VARCHAR 255 Custom reporting field taken from the call_detail table to simplify report generation "custom_field5"
CD_DURATION BIGINT 20 The duration taken from the call_detail table to simplify report generation. The duration is given in seconds. 120
CDR_ID BINARY 16 Identifier of the call detail record (CDR) "365CBF1821944FBAB50957407ADF24E7"
CD_START_TIME DATETIME - The start time, taken from the call_detail table to simplify report generation. Time is given in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). "2019-05-23 20:19:52.0"
CONFIRMED_BY VARCHAR 255 Identifier of the quality evaluator who confirmed the evaluation form "fatima.ali"
CONFIRMED_ON DATETIME - Start time for when the evaluation form was confirmed. Time is given in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). "2019-05-23 20:19:52.0"
EVALUATION_TIME DATETIME - Evaluation time of the review activity. Time is given in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). "2019-04-15 20:57:26.0"
EVALUATOR_COMMENT LONGTEXT 4,294,967,295 Text comment written by the quality evaluator on the evaluation form "Needs to revisit policy holder information."
EVALUATOR_FIRST_NAME VARCHAR 255 First name of the quality evaluator "Michael"
EVALUATOR_LAST_NAME VARCHAR 255 Last name of the quality evaluator "Carter"
FORM_FAILED BIT - A score of zero ("0"). Evaluation areas may be weighted. When the evaluator is evaluating a given interaction and determines an agent has failed a given evaluation area, the evaluation area is considered failed, which is indicated by zero ("0"). "0"
FORM_ID VARCHAR 255 Evaluation form identifier. A new identifier is assigned to each new evaluation form. DFAEC67D-8655-413E-8D9B-6450EC5F34A6"
FORM_NAME VARCHAR 255 Name of the evaluation form "Default QM Chat Form"
FORM_SCORE INT - The score assigned by the quality evaluator for the given form "79" (i.e., out of 100)
GLOBAL_INTERACTION_ID BINARY 16 Global interaction identifier "3C701D62169C47489400087AC6DBBD90"
ID BINARY 16 Primary key "12FB3B1F4CD04e0F988269B283068AB1"
INTERACTION_ID BINARY 16 Interaction identifier "18BD370C89B14B0C9C2E886D5848F889"
LAYOUT LONGTEXT 4,294,967,295 Saved layout of the evaluation form in JSON array ""{""id"":1547841803,""title"":""Chat QM Form"",""score"":""100"",...}""
LOGIN_ID VARCHAR 255 Quality evaluator’s login as defined in configuration "beverly.crusher"
MEDIA_TYPE ENUM 9 Interaction media type.

Possible media types include:

  • Chat
  • Email
  • Voice
REVIEW_TIME DATETIME - Start time of the review activity. Time is given in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). "2019-05-23 20:54:07.0"
SERVICE_NAME VARCHAR 255 Name of the service that received the interaction "Customer Service Chat"
STATUS ENUM 9 Evaluation form status.

Possible statuses include:

  • NONE
SUPERVISOR_FIRST_NAME VARCHAR 255 First name of the supervisor assigned to supervise the agent being evaluated "Michael"
SUPERVISOR_LAST_NAME VARCHAR 255 Last name of the supervisor assigned to supervise the agent being evaluated "Carter"
TEAM_ID VARCHAR 255 Team of the agent being evaluated "4EB73818-B616-4CE2-9A7E-8CD6C5F21DD6"
TEAM_NAME VARCHAR 255 Name of the team of the agent being evaluated "Customer Service"
TYPE ENUM 11 Type of evaluation result.

Possible types include:

  • Calibration
  • Evaluation
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