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• 5.19


The Remote Assist Tab

The Remote Assist tab opens after an agent initiates a remote assist session.

Before the Customer Joins

Waiting for a customer to accept the Remote Assist session invitation

Prior to the customer joining the agent in a Remote Assist session, the options visible to agents in the Remote Assist window are:

Session PIN
The customer requires a session PIN number to log into the Remote Assist session. The PIN is automatically included in the Client Session URL, but an agent can use the 2021.10.27 NRA CopyToClipboardIconButton.png to copy it to the clipboard if they need to send it to the customer. In an audio call, the agent must read the PIN aloud for the customer to enter manually.
Client Session URL
This is the URL the customer uses to enter the Remote Assist session. In a chat session, the agent sends this to the customer using the Copy to clipboard 2021.10.27 NRA CopyToClipboardIconButton.png icon to paste it into the chat box. During voice calls, agents must read the URL aloud for the customer to enter manually.
This lists the names of the agents in the session.
This displays configuration information, such as the screen the customer is currently using and the screen's resolution. Before the customer has accepted the Remote Assist session, this should read none.
Leave Session button
The Leave Session 2021.10.27 NRA ExitSessionButtonIcon.png button allows the agent to close the remote assist session while continuing to remain on a call/chat with the customer.
Open in full-screen button
This 2021.10.26 NRA ExpandViewIcon.png button allows agents to open the session window outside the viewing pane for increased visibility of their customer's screen and allows agents to move the window to a separate monitor.

After the Customer Joins

When the customer joins a Remote Assist session, the Remote Assist tab includes:

Remote Assist tab in the Context Information Area after the customer has accepted the Remote Assist invitation

Transfer Files
2021.10.26 NRA TransferFilesButtonIcon.png allows agents to transfer files or folders to a remote computer. See Transfering Files for more information.

Info.40x40.png The maximum file size limit is 1GB per file and is set by a contact center administrator.

Send Keys
Sends specific keystrokes (e.g., Ctrl+Alt+Delete or Ctrl+Escape) to the customer's Windows computer. Ctrl+Alt+Delete is only available after agents elevate the Remote Assist session.
Sync clipboard
This checkbox 2021.10.26 NRA SyncClipboardCheckboxIcon.png allows the agent to sync the clipboards of the agent and the customer to more easily copy text information from one computer to the other. When selected, agents can remotely paste locally copied text, and vice versa. This option is supported for Chrome and Edge but not Firefox or Safari.
Session PIN
The customer requires a session PIN number to log into the Remote Assist session. The PIN is automatically included in the Client Session URL, but an agent can use the 2021.10.27 NRA CopyToClipboardIconButton.png to copy it to the clipboard if they need to send it to the customer. In an audio call, the agent must read the PIN aloud for the customer to enter manually.
Client Session URL
This is the URL the customer uses to enter the Remote Assist session. In a chat session, the agent sends this to the customer using the Copy to clipboard 2021.10.27 NRA CopyToClipboardIconButton.png icon to paste it into the chat box. During voice calls, agents must read the URL aloud for the customer to enter manually.
External View URL
Agents use the Copy to clipboard 2021.10.27 NRA CopyToClipboardIconButton.png icon to paste this link to external experts invited to the Remote Assist session. This link allows the external expert to view the customer's desktop but not interact with it.
This lists the names of the agents in the session.
This notes which customer screen the agent is on by number and by resolution. If there are two screens, it will say "1" or "2" with the screen resolutions for each screen (e.g., 1440x900).
Next Screen
This button2021.10.27 NRA NextScreenIconButton.png rotates through the customer monitor screens available for the agent to interact with if the customer has multiple monitors. The number of available screens shows in parentheses on the button.
Open in a full screen
This 2021.10.26 NRA ExpandViewIcon.png button allows agents to open the session window outside the viewing pane for increased visibility of their customer's screen and allows agents to move the window to a separate monitor.
Leave Session
The Leave Session 2021.10.27 NRA ExitSessionButtonIcon.png button allows the agent to close the remote assist session while continuing to remain on a call/chat with the customer.

Microsoft Windows Machines

If the customer's machine runs a Windows operating system, there will be an additional button:

This button 2021.12.21 NRA Elevate.png allows the agent to elevate the customer's Windows machine in order to switch users, update applications, or implement administrative commands on a customer's machine even when a customer cannot do so themselves.

This customer has a Windows machine because the Remote Assist tab has the option to elevate the session


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