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• 5.19

Integrate LINE with Bright Pattern Contact Center

Bright Pattern Contact Center (BPCC) communicates with LINE using the LINE Messaging API. This guide describes integrating Bright Pattern Contact Center and LINE.


  • Access to LINE Developers
  • A configured LINE Messaging API
  • A LINE Channel
  • A LINE Channel access token
  • Bright Pattern Contact Center v5.0 or newer
  • Privileges to create an integration account in Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator

Info.40x40.png For instructions to set up a LINE account and generate a token, see Generate a LINE Token and Set a Webhook.

The connection parameters page in Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator.

To integrate LINE with Bright Pattern Contact Center:

  1. Click Add Account in Call Center Configuration > Integration Accounts in the Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator.
  2. Choose Messenger in the Create integration account window.
  3. Select LINE in the Messenger Type dialog, then click OK.
  4. Enter a value for Name.
  5. Click the Channel secret link to add a LINE Channel secret.

Info.40x40.png LINE accounts configured for Bright Pattern Contact Center v5.18 may require a LINE Channel secret to continue working in a newer version of Bright Pattern Contact Center. Find the LINE Channel secret in Basic Settings for a LINE channel in the LINE Developers Console.

  1. Click the Token link to add a LINE Channel access token.
  2. Click Test Connection.
  3. Test the integration. The Test a Messenger Integration guide walks through setting up Bright Pattern Contact Center to send and receive messages between the messenger and Bright Pattern Contact Center Agent Desktop.

See also:

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