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• 5.19

Integrate Telegram with Bright Pattern Contact Center

Bright Pattern Contact Center communicates with Telegram using the Telegram API. This guide describes integrating Bright Pattern Contact Center and Telegram.


  • Access to a Telegram account
  • A Telegram API ID
  • A Telegram bot
  • A Telegram bot URL
  • A Telegram bot access token
  • Bright Pattern Contact Center 5.0 or newer
  • Privileges to create an integration account in Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator

Info.40x40.png For instructions to set up a Telegram account and generate a token, see Configure Telegram for Integration.

The connection parameters page in Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator


Integrate Telegram with Bright Pattern Contact Center:

  1. Log in to Bright Pattern Contact Center Administrator.
  2. Click Add Account in Call Center Configuration > Integration Accounts.
  3. Choose Messenger in the Create integration account window.
  4. Select Telegram as the Type in the Messenger Type dialog, then click OK.
  5. Enter a value for Name.
  6. Enter a value for Bot Username.
  7. Click the Token link to add a Telegram bot access token.
  8. Click Set Webhook.
  9. Click Test Connection.
  10. Test the integration. The Test a Messenger Integration guide walks through setting up Bright Pattern Contact Center to send and receive messages between the messenger and Bright Pattern Contact Center Agent Desktop.

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