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Omni QM for Supervisors

Omni QM is a quality management system natively built in to the Bright Pattern Contact Center omnichannel customer experience (CX) platform. Omni QM is designed to help contact centers evaluate and improve the quality of agent communications across media channels.

As a supervisor, your main goals are to direct and help your agents for the purpose of ensuring maximum performance from each team member. In order to facilitate this process, you will help by training your agents and monitoring their performance. Agent Desktop provides many tools specifically for supervisors to train and monitor agents, such as call recording, viewing various metrics, managing calendar events, enabling supervision modes (i.e., call monitoring, coaching, and barging in), and so forth.

Omni QM enhances the existing training and monitoring tools by allowing you to review your team member’s interactions, view and confirm related evaluations, bookmark important interactions, and so forth. The ability to review your agents’ customer interactions will allow you to provide more specific feedback, prepare appropriate training material, and ultimately work toward producing positive customer experiences.

The following are some examples of how supervisors can use Omni QM features. Omni QM features live in Agent Desktop, section Quality Management, and are enabled by your contact center administrator.

Working in Omni QM

In this section of the Omni QM Guide, you will learn how to use Omni QM as a supervisor.

Step-by-step tutorials are available for the following topics: