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• 5.19

About Omni DID

In telephony, Direct Inward Dialing (DID), also known as direct dial-in (DDI), is the association of a public switched telephone network (PSTN) phone number with an internal voice extension or user in a private branch exchange (PBX). Simply put, DID links a phone number to a PBX extension

Bright Pattern Contact Center software currently supports DID functionality, and with the Omni DID feature, expands on the existing functionality and, utilizing our software’s built-in omnichannel functionality, allows direct connection for voice calls and SMS conversations. Additionally, Omni DID lets you customize built-in system scenarios for the purpose of saving activity history to CRM integrations and more.

What Does Omni DID Do for My Contact Center?

With Omni DID configured in your contact center, this means your users have the capability to use their personally assigned numbers to be able to call and SMS customers. Also, Omni DID makes it possible to automate identification and save activity history to CRM integrations, which means you don’t have to worry about logging interactions post-transaction, which might result in lost data, and so forth. Without Omni DID, agents can still contact customers but from shared, service-associated phone and SMS numbers.

How Does Omni DID Work?

Omni DID is configured in the Contact Center Administrator application and can be enabled for both voice and SMS interactions.

For voice-enabled access numbers, Omni DID can point to an extension or a user. When a voice-enabled access number is configured for DID to an extension, the extension may belong to a user or may be a standalone hardphone; the user’s login status is not relevant in this case. When a voice-enabled access number is configured for DID to a user, the system tries to deliver inbound calls to the phone number this user is currently logged in with, if any.

When a SMS-enabled access number is configured for DID, configuration is possible only for users and not for extensions/phone devices. As with voice, inbound SMS interactions come from the SMS gateway to the SMS-capable access number. The system treats the incoming interactions as chat interactions, so a customer chat scenario can be defined.
