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Agent Login

The AgentPlace object provides the following methods to log in to Agent Desktop for different phone device types:

Softphone or Default Phone

For the softphone (isSoftphone=true) or default phone (isSoftphone=false) option:

public void loginOnDefaultPhone(string adHost, string loginId, string domain, string password, bool isSoftphone, bool force = false);

Internal or External Phone

For the internal phone (isInternal=false) or external phone (isInternal=false) option:

public void loginOnHardPhone(string adHost, string loginId, string domain, string password, string phoneNum, bool isInternal, bool force = false);

Nailed Connection

For a nailed connection (option "dial-in and keep line open"):

public void loginOnVirtualPhone(string adHost, string loginId, string domain, string password, bool force = false);

No Phone

For the no phone option:

public void loginNoPhone(string adHost, string loginId, string domain, string password, bool force = false);

Log In/Out Events and Methods

After authentication, the following event will be raised to indicate whether the login is successful:

public event LoggedInCallback loggedInCallback;

The following method is used to log out:

public override ResultCode logout()

And the following event will be raised once logout is completed:

public event LoggedOutCallback loggedOutCallback;

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