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Setting up AWS S3 Storage for Call Recordings

Bright Pattern Contact Center supports automatic export of audio recordings to Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 for storage and playback. Storing call recordings on S3 can provide cost savings to your organization, while still allowing you to listen to or view recordings via interaction records on the Bright Pattern Contact Center platform. S3 access credentials are stored in Amazon AWS integration accounts.

This article describes how to set up your contact center for S3 call recordings storage, including the following:

  • Create an S3 bucket and configure it for integration with Bright Pattern
  • Create an integration account
  • Enable call recordings in your contact center and set up an automatic export job to S3

For information about enabling screen recordings to be exported to and stored in S3, see Setting up AWS S3 Storage for Screen Recordings.

Note the following:

  • Recordings exported to Amazon AWS will be accessible via Bright Pattern on demand for the detailed records storage time agreed upon with your service provider.


  • You must have an existing Amazon AWS account and S3 bucket. For help creating an S3 bucket see section QQQ of this guide.
  • An Amazon AWS S3 integration account must be configured in your contact center in order to invoke functions.
  • In order to use Amazon AWS S3 for storing recordings, your service provider must enable this feature for your contact center.


Step 1: Add Amazon AWS Integration Account in Bright Pattern

In the Contact Center Administrator application, section Configuration > Call Center Configuration > Integration Accounts, add an Amazon AWS integration account and edit the properties with your Amazon IAM and S3 credentials.

For detailed property descriptions, see the Contact Center Administrator Guide, section Amazon AWS integration account, or the tutorial How to Add Amazon AWS Integration Account in Bright Pattern.

Amazon AWS integration account properties

Step 2: Enable call recordings in your contact center

If call recording is already enabled, you may skip to Step 3. If you have not already enabled call recordings, do so now.

  1. In the Contact Center Administrator application, section Call Recording And Monitoring, enable call recording for all services by selecting the record calls checkbox. Note that when enabled, all contact center services will have call recording turned on.

    You have the option to enable the other call recording and monitoring settings at this time, though it is not required.

    Call Recording and Monitoring settings

  2. In section Services & Campaigns, view your service’s properties, and make sure the Do not record calls box is not checked.

    Services & Campaigns > Properties

Step 3: Set up recording export to S3

  1. In section Services & Campaigns, select your voice service, click the Results tab, and click add under Periodic Recording Export Jobs.

    Services & Campaigns > Results tab

  2. In the Periodic Export of Recordings dialog, set all the properties as desired, paying particular attention to the destination options:

    1. Protocol - Set Amazon AWS

    2. Integration Account - Set your Amazon AWS integration account.

      Periodic Export of Recordings settings

  3. Click OK to save your changes.

Step 4: Test recording export by accepting a service call in Agent Desktop

  1. In the Agent Desktop application, log in as an agent on the team assigned to the voice service, and make yourself Ready.

  2. Accept a service call, have a conversation with yourself, and disposition and complete the interaction.

  3. Wait about 15 minutes for the call to be aggregated and saved into your contact center’s interaction records.

  4. In the Contact Center Administrator application, section Interaction Records, search for the voice interaction and view it in the results. You should be able to play back the call recording.

  5. The call recording will be exported as an object with file data and metadata to your S3 bucket at the daily export time window (as set by your service provider and shown in the Periodic Export of Recordings properties). After the window passes, check the S3 bucket to confirm that the object is present.

AWS S3 call recordings storage setup is now complete.

Recommended Reading