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Detailed Format

This section describes the fields of the campaign results exported or downloaded from the system in the detailed format. This format shows results of all call attempts made for a calling record (i.e., it contains one row per call attempt). Note that all attempts to process a record will be listed, including the ones where no actual dialing was initiated (e.g., if the record matched a Do-Not-Call condition or a campaign quota had been reached).

Campaign results are shown in either simple or detailed formats

Detailed Format Field Descriptions

Activity form fields

Activity form fields provides values of the fields of the activity form associated with this campaign. Only the fields that are marked for export in results will appear in the results.

Action Applied

A note indicating the action applied to the number or record as a result of this call attempt. Possible values are described below:

Value Description
Reschedule (by agent) The agent manually rescheduled the call.
Reschedule The action was determined based on the Disposition assigned to the outcome of this call attempt, aligned with the configured Dial Rules settings.
Run scenario
Stop calling number for all campaigns
Wait This action can be applied for any of the following reasons:
  • The action was determined based on the Disposition assigned to the outcome of this call attempt, aligned with the configured Dial Rules settings.
  • The action "Run Scenario" was applied to the record, but the scenario did not set a new disposition for the record.
Stop calling record This action can be applied for any of the following reasons:
  • Agent manually selected a final disposition.
  • The action was determined based on the Disposition assigned to the outcome of this call attempt, aligned with the configured Dial Rules settings.
  • Record is set as complete because no numbers are left in the record
  • The record expired
  • The record appears in the record rxclusion DNC, the zip DNC, or the state DNC.
Stop calling number This action can be applied for any of the following reasons:
  • The action was determined based on the Disposition assigned to the outcome of this call attempt, aligned with the configured Dial Rules settings.
  • The number appears in an internal DNC, area code DNC, or disabled in the calling list due to a prior Stop calling this number for all campaign action applied within this or another campaign.
Stop calling number (max. attempts reached) Reached the total maximum attempts per number (or number type) and the number is now closed.
Stop calling record (max. attempts reached) Reached the total maximum attempts per record and the record is now closed.
Reschedule (daily limit per number reached) Reached the daily attempt limit per number and the previous action applied to this number was Reschedule.
Reschedule (daily limit per record reached) Reached the daily attempt limit per record, and the previous action applied to this record was Reschedule.
Wait (daily limit per number reached) Reached the daily attempt limit per number and the previous action applied to this number was Wait.
Wait (daily limit per record reached) Reached the daily attempt limit per number and the previous action applied to this number was Wait.


The Agent field displays the username of the agent who last talked to the customer during the call resulting from this call attempt.


Automatic Number Identification (ANI) is the phone number of the calling party (also known as the caller ID), as defined during campaign configuration.

Note that the ANI field does not appear in preview campaign results. The ANI field may appear empty in results if you were running a preview campaign, or if there is a problem with the campaign configuration.

Answered Duration

Answered Duration provides the duration of the call resulting from this call attempt from the moment live voice was detected until it was released. This duration does not include after-call work. For unsuccessful call attempts, this field is set to “0”.

Answered Duration is available for predictive/progressive campaigns only. Set to "0" for campaigns of the preview type.

Call Disposition

Call Disposition provides the disposition set for this call attempt. For descriptions of preconfigured dispositions, see section Predefined Dispositions of the Contact Center Administrator Guide.

Call Disposition Code

Call Disposition Code provides the alphanumeric code of the Call Disposition (if defined in configuration).

Calling record fields

Calling record fields provides all fields of the calling record for which this call attempt was made. The fields have the same names and values, and they are arranged in the same order in which they appear in the calling list.

Call Note

This field provides the call notes entered by the agent for this call attempt.

For unsuccessful call attempts, this field can be used by the system to report details of the failed called attempt (CPA results and SIP signaling codes). For interpretation of the CPA results, see CPA_result below.

Call Time

Call Time provides the date and time when this call attempt started.


The Completed field is set to “1” if the record was completed during this call attempt (a final disposition set). In all other cases, this field is left empty. For example, if processing was stopped at an attempt because a corresponding campaign quota had been reached (see Out of Quota) or was excluded because of campaign Filters (see Filtered Out), the record is not considered completed and this field will be empty.


Field Connected is set to “1” if the call was established from the PSTN point of view. For all other instances, this field is set to “0”. Note that established calls may incur connection and duration charges.

CPA Duration

CPA Duration provides the duration of the CPA (call progress analysis) phase of this call attempt from the moment network signaling reported the call as answered and until the decision about the type of answer was made (i.e., live voice, fax/modem, answering machine).

CPA Duration is available for predictive/progressive campaigns only. Set to "0" for campaigns of the preview type.

CPA recording file

CPA recording file provides the name of the file where CPA recording for this call attempt is stored.

CPA result

CPA result displays the result of call progress analysis for this call attempt.

Possible values include the following:

Value Description
0 Unknown (no result; e.g., when call ended before CPA was applied or finished)
1 Voice (live voice detected)
2 Answering Machine (answering machine greeting detected)
3 Announcement (speech detected that is not live voice or an answering machine greeting; e.g., an IVR prompt)
4 FAX (fax/modem response detected)
5 SIT (SIT tone detected)
6 Busy (busy tone detected; usually indicates that the called party is busy)
7 Fast Busy (fast busy signal detected; usually indicates that the call cannot be established due to network congestion; sometimes is also used to indicate invalid and/or disconnected numbers)
8 Ring Back (ring back tone detected and continued beyond the No Answer timeout; see Contact Center Administrator Guide, section Outbound Campaign Settings for more information)
9 Silence (no sound detected for longer than 5 seconds)

Note that CPA results may not have direct (one-to-one) correspondence to call dispositions. The latter are determined based on combination of CPA results, line signaling, and some other factors.

CPA RTP server id

CPA RTP server id displays the identifier of the host name of the RTP server where the CPA recording file is stored.

Dialing Duration

This field provides the duration of the dialing phase of this call attempt from the moment it was initiated and until network signaling reported it as either answered or failed (congestion, busy, invalid number, etc.) Dialing Duration is available only for progressive/predictive campaigns. Set to 0 for campaigns of preview type.

Dialing Duration is available for predictive/progressive campaigns only. Set to "0" for campaigns of the preview type.

Filtered Out

A value of "1" indicates that the record was excluded from processing as a result of the Filters defined for the campaign. If the record was processed normally, this field will be empty.

Global Interaction ID

This field provides the Global interaction Identifier of this call attempt. An empty field indicates that the call was never actually dialed. For preview campaigns, note that if an agent makes several call attempts while handling one preview record, all such call attempts will have the same global ID.

Is Call Attempt

If Is Call Attempt is set to “1”, then a call was actually dialed.

Is Inbound Call

This field is set to "1" if the attempted call was an inbound call within a blended service (i.e., a customer returned a missed call using the campaign Caller ID). Note that Is Inbound Call is specified only if Is Call Attempt is set to "1".

List Name

List Name provides the name of the calling list that contains the record for which this call attempt was made as defined in configuration.

Out of Quota

The Out of Quota field is set to "1" if the record processing was stopped or never started because the campaign quota related to this record was reached or because the record did not match any quota groups defined within the campaign.

Postal Code Timezone

If a timezone was selected for this call attempt based on the record's postal code, the timezone is indicated in Olson/IANA format, otherwise:

  • If a timezone was not selected based on the postal code, this field is empty.
  • If Use Safe Calling Hours is enabled for the campaign but the record has no postal code, this field displays "Not Found".

Quota Group

For any record where the Out of Quota field is set to "1", this field indicates which particular value group reached its quota before this record could be processed. If the record was not processed because it did not match any quota groups defined within the campaign, this field will be set to "<no match>".

Record Disposition

Record Disposition provides the disposition set for the record if the call was completed during this call attempt. For descriptions of preconfigured dispositions, see section Predefined Dispositions of the Contact Center Administrator Guide.

Record Disposition Code

Record Disposition Code provides the alphanumeric code of the Record Disposition (if defined in configuration).

Record ID

Record ID provides the unique identifier of the record for which this calling attempt was made. The record ID is generated during calling list import.

Recording file

Recording file provides the name of the file where the conversation recording for the call resulting from this call attempt is stored.

RTP server id

RTP server id displays the identifier of the host name of the RTP server where the Recording file is stored.

This Phone number

This field gives the phone number used for this call attempt.

This Phone Number Timezone

If the timezone selected for this call attempt was based on the phone number, the timezone is indicated in Olson/IANA format, otherwise this field is empty.

Timezone(s) selected by

Indicates how one or more timezones were selected for the call attempt. Possible values are described below:

Value Description
24/7 No timezone was selected because 24/7 calling hours are scheduled.
Override field Timezone was selected from the Override Timezone record field for the number.
Default field Timezone was selected from the default timezone record field indicated by the Set as Default property.
Area code Timezone was selected based on the number's area code.
Area & postal codes Two timezones were selected, one based on the number's area code, the other based on the postal code specified for the record. Only possible when Use Safe Calling Hours is enabled for the campaign.
List The default timezone for the calling list was selected.
List & postal code Two timezones were selected, the calling list default timezone, the other based on the postal code specified for the record. Only possible when Use Safe Calling Hours is enabled for the campaign.
Not Found A timezone could not be determine for the number, and no timezone was specified for the list or for the record.
No Value System did not attempt to make a call (for example, Filtered Out), so no timezone was selected.
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