Lists Tab
Associations between an outbound campaign and its calling lists are configured in the Lists tab. The upper part of this tab displays the calling lists associated with the selected campaign. To associate a new list with the given campaign, click the button with the “+” sign in the right pane and select the list from the dialog box that appears. The lower part of this tab contains the settings that define how the list will be used within this campaign.
By default, lists assigned to a campaign will appear in the campaign with the same priority and without any filters applied (i.e., if you decided to run a campaign after such initial assignment, all records from assigned lists would be dialed in a round-robin fashion in the order in which they appear in the originally imported list).
Bright Pattern Contact Center allows you to configure list order, apply filters, and define sorting rules. These settings are configured in the List tab of the Services and Campaigns menu option. Assigned lists appear in the upper portion of this screen. Properties that define the use of the currently selected list within the given campaign appear in the lower screen portion and are described as follows.
During an active campaign, the dialer selects records from enabled lists associated with the campaign, taking into account the following factors (in the order of priority):
- List order (if multiple lists are assigned to the campaign)
- Dialing ratio (if multiple lists are assigned to the campaign with the same list order)
- Records marked as priority records within the list. Note that the priority setting only affects the first attempt to dial the record; for any possible subsequent attempts, the prioritized record will be treated as a regular record. Priority of records also may be set to expire after a specified time period.
- Rescheduled records that are due for the next call attempt. Note that the window for a rescheduled call has both a start and end time. When the end time is reached, the record is no longer treated as a rescheduled one (even if it could not be called during its reschedule window) and becomes a regular record processed in the general sorting order.
- Sorting order configured for the list within the given campaign.
The above general record selection order may be further affected by the list sorting setting Perform full passes through list.
Properties tab
List is the name of the selected list. It is read-only.
Enabled indicates whether the records from this list can be used currently within this campaign. Select the checkbox to use the records from this list.
Lists can also be enabled and disabled via the Agent Desktop application by a user designated as an operator for this campaign.
Note also that a quota-based campaign can have only one list enabled in it at a time.
Order defines the order (from low to high) in which lists will be used within the service. If you want records from different lists to be dialed in a round-robin fashion, assign the same priority to all such lists. See property Dialing ratio below for more information.
Dialing ratio
For lists with the same order, dialing ratio defines the ratio at which records from these lists will be used. For example, if you have two lists with order 1, the first list has dialing ratio set to 2 and the second list has dialing ratio set to 3, two records from the first list will be used, then three records from the second list, then again two records from the first list, and so on.
Instance name
The same list can be assigned to a campaign multiple times with different filters (see the Filters tab below). The Instance name property allows you to assign a different name for each instance of the same list within the same campaign. Note that the system does not verify the uniqueness of such names.
Diagnostic data
If your contact center experiences issues with outbound campaign operation, your service provider may require diagnostic data to determine a cause. In such instances, you may retrieve the data by clicking the Download button; the data will download in a .ZIP file. Note that the ability to download this data is available only for users who have permission to edit information for the given campaign. It is recommended that this data be downloaded only when requested by your service provider.
Filters tab
Filter specifies which records from this list will be used in the given campaign. Click add filter field to define a new filter and select the entity that will be used as a filter from the Filter records by drop-down menu. You can define multiple filters for the same list instance; in this case, the filters will be applied using AND logic (i.e., a record will be dialed only if the conditions set in all filters are met).
Note the following:
- Applying a filter to list data requires internal reprocessing of the entire list. Thus, if a filter is applied to a list within a running campaign, the use of this list within the given campaign will be suspended until reprocessing is complete. The suspension time will depend on the list size and, for long lists, may amount to tens of minutes. Other lists associated with the same campaign will not be affected.
- Filters cannot be applied to lists with configured quotas (see below). If any such filters have been applied prior to setting a list quota, they will be automatically removed when the quota is configured.
list field values
The list field values property allows you to select records with specific values of certain fields.
- From the Field drop-down menu, select the desired list field.
- Select specific values if the field values in this list must (or must not) match one or more specific values. Specify the values in the field below. Note that each value must be specified on a new line. Indicate whether the records with the matching field values must or must not be dialed.
- Select value range if the field value must (or must not) fit within a specified range. This option is supported for numerical values only. Specify the numerical range in the fields below. Indicate whether the records with the field values within the range must or must not be dialed.
dispositions from campaign
Dispositions from campaign allows you to select records that were used in a previous campaign and whose processing ended with a specific disposition. For example, if you previously ran a sales campaign and now would like to run a customer satisfaction survey campaign for the products sold during that campaign, you may use this filter to reach only the customers who actually purchased the product (as may be indicated by dispositions in the results of the original campaign).
- From the Campaign drop-down menu, select the desired previous campaign. A campaign will be available for selection here if it meets all the following criteria: (1) it has used the same list at some point, (2) its results are still stored in the system, and (3) it does not have a configured quota (see below).
- From the Dispositions drop-down menu, select the dispositions indicating that the corresponding records must (or must not) be dialed during the given campaign.
- Indicate whether the records with the selected disposition must or must not be dialed.
Note: Subsequent changes made to the association of the given list with the campaign you select above will potentially affect the filter you create here and may require internal reprocessing of the list to which this filter is applied. During such reprocessing, the use of this list within a running campaign will be suspended until reprocessing is complete. The suspension time will depend on the list size and, for long lists, may amount to tens of minutes. Other lists associated with the same campaign will not be affected.
only never attempted records
This property allows you to select records whose dialing was never attempted during a previous campaign to which this list was assigned. For example, the campaign was terminated before all records on the list had been attempted.
From the Campaign drop-down menu, select the desired previous campaign. A campaign will be available for selection here if it meets all the following criteria: (1) it has used the same list at some point, (2) its results are still stored in the system, and (3) it does not have a configured quota (see below).
all unfinished records
The all unfinished records property allows you to select all records whose processing was not finished during a previous campaign. This includes the never attempted records as well as the records that were attempted without a final result. For example, a dialing attempt was rescheduled due to no-answer event, but the campaign was terminated before the rescheduled time.
From the Campaign drop-down menu, select the desired previous campaign. A campaign will be available for selection here if it meets all the following criteria: (1) it has used the same list at some point, (2) its results are still stored in the system, and (3) it does not have a configured quota (see below).
First attempt delay
First attempt delay allows you to configure a delay (in minutes) before the first attempt on a record. This option is available if the Filter records by option Disposition from campaign is selected. This setting may be useful if records are added to the list as the result of a previous campaign operation, as the delay is measured from the time of the record’s last disposition.
The default value for the field is 0 (i.e., there is no delay and records will be dialed immediately after arrival); the maximum value is 7200 (i.e., 5 days).
Quota tab
General information
Outbound quotas are used in campaigns where it is sufficient to process successfully a subset of records from a calling list in order to fulfill the purpose of the campaign. Typical examples of such campaigns are polls and surveys. In a quota-based campaign, records are selected for dialing from the associated calling list based on the conditions set in the quota configuration. The dialing stops once the specified number of such records have been completed with desired dispositions. For records whose processing was stopped or never started because a campaign quota related to this record was reached, campaign results will have the Out of Quota field set to "1".
Note the following:
- A quota-based campaign can only have one list enabled within it at a time. If you configure any type of quota for a certain list within a campaign, enabling this list will automatically disable all other lists within the same campaign.
- The list used in a quota-based campaign cannot have any filters applied to it within the given campaign. If you have configured any such filters (see above), they will be automatically removed as soon as you configure a quota for the same list.
- A quota cannot be configured for a given campaign if any of its results are used as filters in another campaign. See description of filters dispositions from campaign, only never attempted records, and all unfinished records above.
no quota
No quota indicates that no quota is configured for this list within the given campaign.
Use this type of quota to dial a specified number of records from the entire list without applying any specific selection criteria. Enter the desired number of records in the Quota field. Dialing will stop once this number of records have been completed with any disposition of success type.
per field value
The per field value type of quota is used for
- Setting separate limits for specific dispositions of success type defined within the given campaign
- Setting separate limits based on the specified value(s) of a single list field (e.g., setting a quota per state/province or per age group)
To set a disposition-based quota, select Campaign Disposition from the drop-down menu and click the Set quota link. The dialog window will list all dispositions of success type defined within the given campaign. You can set a different number of records for each specific disposition or enter the same number of records for all dispositions via the All groups field. Dialing will stop once the specified number of records have been completed with each disposition for which a quota is set.
To set a field-based quota, select the desired list field from the drop-down menu.
- For text-based fields (e.g., State/Province), click the Set quota link. The dialog window will list all distinct values in that field that exist in the given list. You can set a different number of records for each specific value or enter the same number of records for all values via All groups. The dialer will select records whose values in the given field match values specified in the quota, and will stop processing records with a specific value once the number of records specified for that field value have been completed with any disposition of success type.
- For numeric fields (e.g., Age), typically you would want to set quota by value ranges (e.g., in the case of Age field, such ranges would normally represent the age groups for which quotas should be set). Note that such numeric fields must be defined as fields of Integer type at the time of list import.
- To specify ranges, select value groups and click the groups link. For each range, define its start and stop value and a name that will be shown in quota reports and campaign results. Note that overlapping ranges are not allowed. Click the refresh icon next to to see the total number of records in the given list fitting within each range.
- Once you have defined all your ranges, click the Set quota link. The dialog window will list all value ranges that you have defined for the given field. You can set a different number of records for each specific value range or enter the same number of records for all ranges via All groups. The dialer will select records whose values in the given field fit in one of the ranges specified in the quota, and it will stop processing records with all such values once the number of records specified for that value range have been completed with any disposition of success type.
For field-based quotas, note the following:
- Your service provider may impose restrictions on the maximum number of quota values (or value ranges) that can be configured within a campaign.
- List records that do not match any quota groups defined within a campaign will not be processed within that campaign at all. Campaign results for such records will have the Out of Quota field set to "1" and Quota Group field set to "<no match>".
- Adding or removing quota groups in a running campaign will require internal reprocessing of the calling list. During such reprocessing, the campaign will be suspended until reprocessing is complete. The suspension time will depend on the list size and, for long lists, may amount to tens of minutes.
per value pair from 2 fields
This type of quota allows you to set a number of records to be processed per a combination of values from any two fields (e.g., setting a quota per age group in each state). To set quotas per value pair, specify both fields as explained in per field value above and click the Set quota link. The dialog window will list all possible combinations of values from those fields that exist in the given list. You can set a different number of records for each specific combination or enter the same number of records for all combinations via All groups. The dialer will select records with matching value pairs, and it will stop processing records with a specific value pair once the number of records specified for that combination have been completed with any disposition of success type.
See the additional notes for field-based quotas above.
Sorting tab
Sorting order
Sorting order allows you to choose the order in which the records of this list will be selected for dialing.
- Natural is selected if the records are to be dialed in the same order they appear in the list.
- Random is selected if the records are to be attempted randomly.
- Custom is selected if the records are to be sorted by the values of a specific list filed. Click add to select the field to be used for sorting and specify the desired sorting direction (ascending or descending). Note that you can sort by multiple fields.
Perform full passes through list (call newly added records as dialer reaches them)
By default (with the checkbox selected), during a dialer’s pass through a calling list, each dialable record is attempted once. Once the dialer starts a pass, it will select records for dialing one by one according to the specified sorting order until it reaches the end of the list.
After that, the next pass through the list will begin. Thus, if the list is updated incrementally, new records may or may not be called during the current pass depending on their position in the list (which is determined by the applied sorting order). This default setting can be recommended when all records in the associated calling lists have relatively similar value and it is important that all of them are attempted during the given campaign.
With the checkbox unselected, the dialer will always look for the next dialable record from the top of the list. This may be desirable when new records are added periodically to an active calling list and the sorting order is used to define relative value of records within that list (e.g., more recent leads have a higher conversion rate). This setting guarantees that new high-value records appearing at the top of the list will be attempted as soon as they are added to the list. Note that in this case the end of the list may never be reached (e.g., with a long original list, frequent updates, and/or large number of high-value records in those updates).
To further illustrate how this option works, consider the situation where you add new records to a list in a running campaign and, according to the specified sorting order, they are positioned at the top of the list:
- With this checkbox selected (default), the dialer will finish the current pass first and the new records will be called only on the next pass through the list.
- With the checkbox unselected, the dialer will start calling these new records immediately.
Attempt personal records first
Select this checkbox to filter calling records by personal assignment.
Note the following:
- Changing the sorting order requires internal reprocessing of the entire list. Thus, if you change the sorting order for a list within a running campaign, use of this list within the given campaign will be suspended until reprocessing is complete. The suspension time will depend on the list size and, for long lists, may amount to tens of minutes. Other lists associated with the same campaign will not be affected.
- Record priority takes precedence over the sorting order.
- Previously dialed and rescheduled records that are due for dialing take precedence over both record priority and the sorting order.
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