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General Information About Access to Reports and Records

The web application that you use to access reports and call recordings is called Contact Center Administrator. For general information about this application, see the Contact Center Administrator Guide.

To generate and view reports or to access interaction records, log into Contact Center Administrator and select the Reports view from the upper bar menu.

Note that depending on the tasks you are going to perform, you must have an assigned role that contains some or all of the following privileges: View historical reports, View interaction records, Listen to call recordings and view chat transcripts, and Grade interactions. For more information about role definition and assignment to users, see sections Roles and Users of the Contact Center Administrator Guide.

  • To generate and view reports, from the menu on the left, select the Reports option. See section Report Generation for more information.
  • To search for interaction records, as well as to review and grade call recordings, chat transcripts and email replies, select the Interaction Records tab at the top of the screen. See section Interaction Records Search for more information.
  • To search for agent activities and review corresponding screen recordings, from the menu on the left, select the Agent Timeline option. See section Agent Activity Search for more information.
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