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• 5.19

Task Detail Report

The Task Detail report provides detailed records of tasks in chronological order. The filter Connected To allows you to request this report for tasks that were handled by a specific agent.

Metric Descriptions

The metrics of this report are organized into columns, which are described below in the order in which they appear in the report.


Date is the date when the task entered the system.


Time is the time when the task entered the system, given in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

Connected To

Connected To indicates the username of the agent assigned to the task.

Service / Campaign

Service / Campaign is the name of the Service or Campaign connected with the task.

Agent disposition

Agent disposition indicates the disposition assigned to the task.

Queue time

Queue time is the total amount of time the task was in the service queue.

Handle time

Handle time is the duration between the task entering the system and its completion.

In Focus

In Focus indicates the total time the task was selected in the active communications list of the agents who processed it.

Out of Focus

Out of Focus is the total time the task spent on the agents’ desktop, excluding the In Focus time.

Case ID

Case ID is the identifier of the case associated with the task.


Subject refers to the task subject line.


In SL indicates whether the task was completed within the service level threshold configured for the associated service.

Possible values: Yes, No, and empty string.

An empty string is displayed if no service level is configured for the service and the task was not completed. Note that service level calculation excludes the hours outside of the hours of operation configured for the associated task service.

Global ID

Global ID is the Global interaction identifier.

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