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Speech To Text Integration (STT)

Speech To Text (STT) integration allows your contact center to use speech-to-text functionality to transcribe voice calls and save the transcriptions to interaction records. Full-text transcripts are searchable and include sentiment attributes (if Natural Language Understanding is enabled).

Bright Pattern integrates with STT providers such as IBM Watson and Google.

Select the type of STT integration

Google Properties

Google's Cloud Speech API converts audio to text. In the Properties dialog, enter the credentials of your Google synchronous STT instance as follows. This allows Bright Pattern to access your STT resource and use it in interactions.

Please note: Google STT requires a payment method to be attached to the account; without this, the STT service would silently not work, and there would be an error in the Google API dashboard.

Google synchronous STT integration account properties


The unique name of this integration account (any)


By default, “Google synchronous STT” because you selected this type when adding the account.

Use phone model

When enabled, Use phone model allows you to use the Cloud Speech API’s enhanced model for phone calls; the setting may be useful for conversational IVR scenarios. Note that this setting is disabled by default.


By default,

API key

The service key ID that is used to authenticate Google's Cloud Speech API. This is generated when you get credentials for your service account.

Test Connection

Click to be sure Bright Pattern Contact Center can connect to your Google synchronous STT account.

Watson Properties

In the Properties dialog, enter the credentials of your IBM Watson STT instance as follows. This allows Bright Pattern to access your STT resource and use it in interactions.

Watson integration account properties


The name of this integration account.


By default, “Watson” because you selected this type when adding the account.


Websocket prefix + your IBM Speech to Text URL in the following format:

For example:


You can find the URL in your IBM Speech to Text service credentials. Note that STT integration uses the secure WebSocket protocol (i.e., "wss"), so only the wss:// prefix is allowed.

API key

The API key (string) for the service instance in your IBM Speech to Text resource, which is used for making secure, authenticated requests.

You can find your API key on IBM Cloud by going to your Speech to Text service credentials.

Default account

Select the Default account checkbox to enable the STT integration account.

Test Connection

Click to be sure Bright Pattern Contact Center can connect to your Watson Speech to Text account.

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