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Direct Chat


Contact Center Administrator > Call Center Configuration > Chat Configuration > Direct Chat

A Direct Chat URL is a link agents generate by clicking the Create direct chat invitation link button in Agent Desktop. Agents send the link to a client when they want to continue an ongoing interaction. When the client clicks the link, they are placed into a direct chat with the agent. This way clients do not have to wait in a queue to reconnect with the agent.

Administrators can change which messaging/chat scenario entry to pair with the Direct Chat URL and its expiration.


Direct chat URL path
The default URL for a contact center is
Messaging/Chat Scenario Entry
Clicking add/edit takes you to the scenario entry in question in Contact Center Administrator > Scenario Entries > Messaging/Chat. From there, it's possible to edit the current scenario entry or add a new one. If Administrators add a new one and want to use it for the Direct Chat URL, they should return here to pick it from the list when they finish creating it.
Direct chat link expiration time
This is the number of seconds the Direct Chat URL stays valid. Once the time expires, the Direct Chat URL is no longer valid and agents need to generate a new one. The default expiration time is 120 seconds but may be customized.

Info.40x40.png Agents who use Direct Chat URLs have been granted the Create personal chat invitation link privilege. Chats originating from a Direct Chat URL are not differentiated in current reports from Chats that do not.

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