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Connect Call

Scenario Builder Connect Call scenario block

The Connect Call scenario block connects a call to the destination specified in the $(destination) variable (typically, the extension of the agent found by the preceding Find Agent block). If the destination extension has an agent logged in, the system tracks the agent’s state according to the state of the call. The block handles call transfers and conferences internally and only ends when the remote party disconnects or the last agent on the call disconnects.

If a Find Agent block was executed prior to a Connect Call block, then the queue treatment started by that Find Agent block continues until the specified destination answers the call. If a Service Announcement prompt (whisper) is specified for a Connect Call block, the ring back tone or music on hold is played to the caller while the service announcement is played to destination party. The caller will not hear the announcement.

For external destinations, Caller IDs are set according to the configuration of the corresponding dial-out entries.


Scenario Builder Connect Call scenario block settings

Title text

The name of the instance of the block.

Default Destination

The default phone number to which the call connects if variable $(destination) is empty.

Note that if the destination is an IVR, the phone number can include pauses and digits required to get to the desired contact or self-service option. Comma symbols are used for pauses; each comma will delay dialing of the next digit by one second (e.g., 18005552222,,,5,,245). For more information, see the Agent Guide, section How to Speed-Dial Through External IVRs.

Override Destination

The phone number to which the call connects. If this field has a value, the scenario ignores the destination variable. Use this field only if you want to override the destination variable.

Note that if the destination is an IVR, the phone number can include pauses and digits required to get to the desired contact or self-service option. Comma symbols are used for pauses; each comma will delay dialing of the next digit by one second (e.g., 18005552222,,,5,,245). For more information, see the Agent Guide, section How to Speed-Dial Through External IVRs.

Mark all calls connected by this block as overflow calls

If this checkbox is selected, all calls connected via this block will be marked for reporting purposes as calls made to overflow destinations.

Override calling party name with

This setting changes the calling party representation by overriding the display name. The selected contact object is not changed.

To display a specific value in place of the calling party's current display name, use Override calling part name with: to override the current value. The system will attempt to identify the contact and display their associated name if any of the Match contact information for incoming and outbound interactions settings were enabled. Override values are displayed first in the event of an identification lag; the name provided after contact identification is displayed later.

Access this option under Call Center Configuration > Identification.

This is totally not what this parameter does. It changes calling party representation for agents and has no influence on outbound calls.

No Answer Timeout

The number of seconds that the scenario waits for a destination to answer the call before executing the No Answer conditional exit. The default is 30 seconds.

Auto-answer call in

The number of seconds that the scenario waits before the call is auto-answered. If you do not use auto-answer, leave this field empty.

This function will work for agents who use softphones. Support for this function in hardphones depends on a particular hardphone model.

Escape button for customer to hang up the agent

The button that the caller can press to stop a conversation with this agent. Unlike when it is released, the scenario will continue and can further process the call.

Custom hold music

The prompt that the scenario plays when the caller is on hold. The prompt is always played from the beginning. The prompt is optional; if present, it will override the default Hold and queue music treatment set at the contact center level.

Service announcement

The optional prompt the scenario plays to inform the agent to which service an incoming call pertains or to play a beep as notification. Note: Prompt playback duration is counted as talk time.

number of plays

The number of times that the Service Announcement prompt, if used, will be played to the agent.

stop announcement button

The button that the agent can use to interrupt playback of the service announcement prompt.

Custom ringback

The prompt that will be played back to the caller instead of a standard ring-back tone. If the Keep playing hold music while ringing on agent option is selected in the preceding Find Agent block, the Custom ringback prompt will not be played even if specified. Instead, the queue music will be played up to the moment of answer.

Repeated answer-side prompt

This prompt is used for transfers of service calls to other call centers to announce the call information when the transferred call is answered by the remote agent (e.g., This a call is from [name], please press [confirm answer button] to connect).

When the remote agent presses the confirm answer button, a call with the original calling party is established.

Confirm answer button

What the agents of remote contact centers will press to pick up service calls forwarded to them from your contact center after hearing the Repeated answer-side prompt.

Drop connection if no answer in

The number of minutes that the scenario will wait for the remote contact center to pick up the call before executing the No Answer conditional exit for this call. It starts from the moment that the remote agent answers.

Conditional Exits

The Connect Call block may take one of the following conditional exits: No Answer, Busy, Target Disconnected, or Transfer Failed.

No Answer

The destination phone rings but no one answers within the No Answer Timeout. This also includes other types of call failures (except for Busy).


The destination phone is busy (SIP 486) or the call is rejected by an agent.

Target Disconnected

The call was answered by the target side and eventually normally terminated from target side. The current interaction step is completed and a new interaction step is created. This could be used for surveys when the agent hangs up first and survey flow starts from this conditional exit.

Transfer Failed

This is a failure branch for failed agent transfers.

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