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Gauge is a display type for a single statistic widget. On a Gauge widget, information is presented in a meter-like (i.e., gauge-like display) for one statistic or metric only. You may add a standalone Gauge widget to your wallboard, or you may enable gauge display for any other type of primary single statistic on your wallboard.

Gauge widget


Gauge Settings

Users with the privilege Customize Wallboards may edit the control settings of wallboard widgets. Gauge settings are as follows.


Title is the name of the statistic widget. Widget titles, along with their icons, are displayed in the widget selector.

Primary Statistic

The Primary Statistic is the main single statistic to be shown in the widget.

The drop-down menu provides the following single statistics from which to choose:


Clicking the services link allows you to select and add the available services that are associated with the single statistic.

enable warning sound

Selecting the enable warning sound checkbox enables the Agent Desktop to play a warning sound whenever service level thresholds are exceeded for the given statistic or metric.

enable gauge display

Selecting the enable gauge display checkbox will cause the widget to change its appearance when certain thresholds are exceeded (see below).

When gauge display is enabled, the following values may be defined:

  • warning threshold - Causes the gauge to change color when exceeded
  • alert threshold - Plays a warning sound when exceeded
  • max threshold - The most that can be displayed

Note: Deselecting the enable gauge display checkbox will cause the Secondary Statistic field to appear, allowing you to add a second statistic to the widget.

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