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Agent Desktop Helper Application Quick Start

The Agent Desktop Helper Application is a software component that provides many functions for Agent Desktop ( Read more.) This article will help you launch the Agent Desktop Helper Application on any browser, so you can get to work on Agent Desktop quickly.


  1. Log in to Agent Desktop.

  2. If prompted by the warning message, download the Agent Desktop Helper Application installer (Mac: bpclient_mac.pkg, Windows: BPClientSetup.exe) and install it on your computer.

  3. If not prompted, you can download the installer by going to Settings > About > Helper App version and clicking Update.

  4. If using…

    1. Chrome, add the Agent Desktop Chrome Extension and enable it

    2. Firefox, install the Agent Desktop Firefox Extension and enable it

    3. Internet Explorer, disable the browser's Enhanced Protected Mode

    4. Safari, just run the installer

  5. Refresh the Agent Desktop webpage.

Need more help? See Installing and Updating the Agent Desktop Helper Application and section Troubleshooting.

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