This table contains general metrics for all services defined in your contact center configuration.
Note the following:
- For voice services, if a service can be accessed via multiple access numbers, the metrics are provided for each access number separately.
- Unless noted otherwise with respect to a particular metric, any service call mentioned below shall be interpreted as an inbound call that entered the system via access number specified in the destination_phone field within the given aggregation interval and requested the service specified in the service_name field.
- Unless noted otherwise with respect to a particular metric, any campaign call mentioned below shall be interpreted as a call initiated as part of the outbound calling campaign specified in the service_name field within the given aggregation interval.
- In all metrics counting transferred calls, each transfer instance is counted separately.
- Any campaign record mentioned below shall be interpreted as a record from one of the calling lists associated with the campaign specified in the service_name field whose processing within this campaign was completed within the given aggregation interval.
- This table also contains metrics for agent teams that handled interactions for the specified service. Team-specific service metrics are reported in separate table rows, one row per team. Any team agent mentioned below shall be interpreted as an agent of the team specified in the team_name field who have the skill corresponding to the service or campaign specified in the service_name field.
Description of Data
The following table offers the name (i.e., ID), data type (e.g., BIGINT, BINARY, BIT, DATETIME, ENUM, INT, VARCHAR, etc.), and description for each metric (i.e., column) of the service_in_time_counters table.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
abandonment_time | BIGINT | Total abandonment time for all calls counted in num_calls_abandoned |
abandonment_time_after_threshold | BIGINT | Total abandonment time for all calls counted in num_calls_abandoned_after_threshold |
abandonment_time_after_threshold_queued | BIGINT | Total abandonment time for all calls counted in num_calls_queued_abandoned_after_threshold |
abandonment_time_queued | BIGINT | Total abandonment time for all calls counted in num_calls_queued_abandoned |
acw_time | BIGINT | Total after-call work time for inbound and outbound service calls excluding campaign calls |
acw_time_in | BIGINT | Total after-call work time for inbound service calls |
acw_time_out | BIGINT | Total after-call work time for outbound service calls excluding campaign calls |
agg_run_id | BINARY (16) | Aggregator run that produced this record |
answer_time | BIGINT | Total answer time for all calls counted in num_calls_answered |
answer_time_queued | BIGINT | Total answer time for all calls counted in num_calls_queued_answered |
assigned_handling_acw_time | BIGINT | Total after-call work time for all calls handled by all team agents within the aggregation interval |
assigned_handling_call_time | BIGINT | This metric specifies the total handling time for all calls handled by team agents within the aggregation interval. It includes ringing time, talk time, and hold time. |
busy_time_in | BIGINT | Total talk and hold time for inbound service calls |
busy_time_out | BIGINT | Total talk and hold time for outbound calls excluding campaign calls |
campaign_abandonment_time | BIGINT | Total abandonment time (the sum of times between entering the queue and being abandoned by remote party for all campaign calls that were abandoned or dropped) |
campaign_acw_time | BIGINT | Total after-call work time for campaign calls (the sum of times between the moment of release and the end of after-call work) |
campaign_answer_time | BIGINT | Total answer time (the sum of times between entering the queue and being picked up by agents for all campaign calls that were connected to agents) |
campaign_assigned_handling_acw_time | BIGINT | Reserved |
campaign_assigned_handling_call_time | BIGINT | Reserved |
campaign_calls_abandoned | BIGINT | Number of campaign calls that were abandoned (terminated by the remote party while waiting in queue to be connected to an agent) |
campaign_calls_attempted | BIGINT | Number of campaign calls that were attempted |
campaign_calls_handled | BIGINT | Number of campaign calls that were handled by agents |
campaign_calls_held | BIGINT | Number of campaign calls that were held any number of times during their handling |
campaign_calls_live_answered | BIGINT | For Preview campaigns: Number of campaign calls that were answered by the called party
campaign_calls_queued | BIGINT | Number of campaign calls that were queued |
campaign_calls_rpc | BIGINT | Reserved |
campaign_calls_unattended | BIGINT | Number of campaign calls that were answered at destination and subsequently either diverted to an IVR at any time, or dropped at any time, or connected to an agent with time exceeding two seconds |
campaign_dialer_calls_handled | BIGINT | Reserved |
campaign_dialer_calls_queued | BIGINT | Reserved |
campaign_handling_acw_time | BIGINT | Reserved |
campaign_handling_call_time | BIGINT | Reserved |
campaign_hold_time | BIGINT | Total hold time for campaign calls (the sum of all hold times for all handled campaign calls) |
campaign_ivr_time | BIGINT | Total IVR time for campaign calls (the sum of times spent in an IVR application) |
campaign_preview_items | BIGINT | Number of preview records associated with the given campaign that were delivered to agents |
campaign_preview_time | BIGINT | This metric specifies the total time spent by agents working on preview records associated with the given campaign.
It does not include call time. |
campaign_queue_time | BIGINT | Total queue time for campaign calls (the sum of times between entering the queue and exiting the queue in any manner for all campaign calls that were queued) |
campaign_records_completed | BIGINT | Number of campaign records completed within the reporting interval, including the records for which no attempts were made because of DNC match or filter exclusion |
campaign_records_dialed | BIGINT | Number of campaign records completed within the reporting interval for which at least one number was dialed |
campaign_records_excluded | BIGINT | Number of campaign records completed within the reporting interval for which no attempts were made because of DNC match or filter exclusion |
campaign_records_handled | BIGINT | Number of campaign records completed within the reporting interval for which at least one call was handled by an agent |
campaign_records_queued | BIGINT | Number of campaign records completed within the reporting interval for which at least one call was queued |
campaign_records_rpc | BIGINT | Reserved |
campaign_records_valid | BIGINT | Number of campaign records completed within the reporting interval except the ones counted in campaign_records_excluded |
campaign_talk_time | BIGINT | Total talk time for campaign calls (the sum of times between the moments of being established and being released) |
cs | BIGINT | The sum of contact satisfaction marks for all surveys where a response was given for the contact satisfaction question |
destination_phone | VARCHAR | destination_phone specifies the access number for this service as defined in the Dial-in Scenario Entry associated with service. If a service is associated with multiple access numbers, metrics specified in this table will be provided for each access number separately. |
email_reply_time | BIGINT | This specifies the total reply time for all emails that received a reply.
The reply time of a single email is counted from the moment the email is placed in the service queue to the moment when the first meaningful response is sent. |
email_routing_time | BIGINT | This metric specifies the total time that emails spent in the service queue before being pushed to agents or pulled by agents.
The time is counted only for emails that were both received and routed within the given interval. |
end_time | DATETIME | End time of the aggregation interval |
handling_acw_time | BIGINT | Total after-call work time for calls of the given service/campaign handled by all team agents within the aggregation interval |
handling_call_time | BIGINT |
This metric specifies the total on-call time for calls of the given service/campaign handled by all team agents within the aggregation interval. It includes ringing time, talk time, and hold time. |
handling_time | BIGINT | This metric specifies the total handling time for calls of the given service/campaign handled by all team agents within the aggregation interval.
It includes talk, hold, and after-call work time. |
hold_time_in | BIGINT | Total hold time for inbound service calls |
hold_time_out | BIGINT | Total hold time for outbound service calls excluding campaign calls |
id | BINARY (16) | Primary key |
login_time | BIGINT | Total login time for all team agents within the aggregation interval |
max_agents | BIGINT | Maximum number of agents possessing this service skill who were simultaneously logged on within the aggregation interval |
media_type | ENUM | This is the media type of this service.
Possible values include VOICE, CHAT, and EMAIL. If set to CHAT, any call mentioned in this table shall be interpreted as a service chat interaction in the same context. |
min_agents | BIGINT | Minimum number of agents possessing this service skill who were simultaneously logged on within the aggregation interval |
not_ready_time | BIGINT | Total time in the Not Ready state for all team agents within the aggregation interval |
nps | BIGINT | The sum of net promoter score points for all surveys where a response was given for the contact satisfaction question |
num_calls_abandoned | BIGINT | Total number of service calls that were abandoned at any time after entering the queue |
num_calls_abandoned_after_threshold | BIGINT | This specifies the number of service calls that were abandoned outside of the Service Level threshold (i.e., after the time set by parameter Within threshold in service configuration).
It includes the calls that were abandoned while ringing. |
num_calls_abandoned_in_ivr | BIGINT | Number of service calls that were abandoned before entering the queue (i.e., while still at the IVR stage) |
num_calls_answered | BIGINT | For voice, this specifies the number of service calls that were answered (i.e., the agent answered while the Connect Call block was executing).
For email, it specifies the number of inbound service emails processed in any manner (replied to, closed without reply, transferred, or service changed). |
num_calls_answered_outbound | BIGINT | This specifies the number of outbound calls made with respect to this service that were answered.
It does not include campaign calls. |
num_calls_held | BIGINT | Number of service calls that were held at any time during their handling |
num_calls_held_outbound | BIGINT | This metric specifies the number of answered outbound calls made with respect to this service that were held by agents at any time during their handling. It does not include campaign calls. |
num_calls_in_service_level | BIGINT | For voice, this specifies the number of service calls that were answered within the Service Level threshold (i.e., within the time set by parameter Within threshold in service configuration).
For email, number of inbound emails that were replied to within the Service Level threshold. Note that for service level purposes, the reply time excludes the hours when the service was closed according to the configured HOP. |
num_calls_outbound | BIGINT | This specifies the number of outbound calls that were made with respect to this service.
It does not include campaign calls. For email, num_calls_outbound specifies the number of outbound emails that were sent. Outbound emails include unsolicited emails and possible additional responses to inbound emails that previously received a reply. |
num_calls_queued | BIGINT | Number of service calls that were queued |
num_calls_queued_abandoned | BIGINT | This specifies the number of queued service calls that were abandoned. "Queued" means the scenario went through the Find Agent scenario block with appropriate service requested and regardless of service level.
Unlike num_calls_abandoned, this metric counts only calls that passed through the given service queue. |
num_calls_queued_abandoned_after_threshold | BIGINT | This metric specifies the number of queued service calls that were abandoned outside of the Service Level threshold (i.e., after the time set by parameter Within threshold in service configuration).
It includes the calls that were abandoned while ringing. Unlike num_calls_abandoned_after_threshold, this metric counts only calls that passed through the given service queue. |
num_calls_queued_answered | BIGINT | This specifies the number of queued service calls that were answered. "Queued" means the scenario went through the Find Agent scenario block with appropriate service requested and regardless of service level.
Unlike num_calls_answered, this metric counts only calls that passed through the given service queue. |
num_calls_queued_held | BIGINT | This metric specifies the number of queued service calls that were held at any time during their handling.
Unlike num_calls_held, this metric counts only calls that passed through the given service queue. |
num_calls_queued_in_service_level | BIGINT | This specifies the number of queued service calls that were answered within the Service Level threshold (i.e., within the time set by parameter Within threshold in service configuration).
Unlike num_calls_in_service_level, this metric counts only calls that passed through the given service queue. |
num_calls_received | BIGINT | For voice, num_calls_received specifies the number of received service calls.
For email, it specifies the number of received service emails, including new emails and emails related to existing thread. For new emails only, see num_emails_received_new. |
num_calls_received_as_transfers | BIGINT | For voice, this specifies the number of service calls received as transfers.
For email, it specifies the number of service emails received as transfers. |
num_calls_received_as_transfers_from_other_service | BIGINT | Number of service calls received as transfers from different services |
num_calls_received_as_transfers_from_same_service | BIGINT | Number of service calls received as transfers from the same service |
num_calls_recv_as_transfers_abandoned | BIGINT | Number of service calls received as transfers that were abandoned |
num_calls_recv_as_transfers_abandoned_after_threshold | BIGINT | This specifies the number of service calls received as transfers that were abandoned outside of the Service Level threshold (i.e., after the time set by parameter Within threshold in service configuration).
Includes the calls that were abandoned while ringing. |
num_calls_recv_as_transfers_abandoned_in_ivr | BIGINT | Number of service calls received as transfers that were abandoned before entering the queue (i.e., while still at the IVR stage) |
num_calls_recv_as_transfers_answered | BIGINT | Number of service calls received as transfers that were answered |
num_calls_recv_as_transfers_held | BIGINT | Number of service calls received as transfers that were held at any time during their handling |
num_calls_recv_as_transfers_in_service_level | BIGINT | Number of service calls received as transfers that were answered within the Service Level threshold (i.e., within the time set by parameter Within threshold in service configuration) |
num_calls_recv_as_transfers_queued | BIGINT | Number of service calls received as transfers that were queued |
num_calls_self_service | BIGINT | Number of service calls that were serviced by an IVR application (as indicated by execution of scenario block Self-Service Provided) |
num_calls_transferred_externally | BIGINT | Number of service calls that were answered and then transferred to an external number |
num_calls_transferred_internally | BIGINT | For voice, this specifies the number of service calls that were answered and then transferred to another internal number (queue or extension).
For email, it specifies the number of service emails that were transferred. |
num_emails_carried_over | BIGINT | This specifies the number of emails that arrived at this service at any time before the given reporting interval and remained unprocessed at the beginning of the interval.
It includes both new emails and emails related to existing threads. Note that unlike other metrics, this number is calculated only once in 24 hours. |
num_emails_carried_over_new | BIGINT | This metric specifies the number of new emails that arrived at this service at any time before the given reporting interval and remained unprocessed at the beginning of the interval.
It excludes emails related to existing threads. Note that unlike other metrics, this number is calculated only once in 24 hours. |
without_reply |
BIGINT | Number of emails that were closed by agents without reply |
num_emails_in_progress | BIGINT | Number of emails associated with this service that were being actively processed at the end of the interval (i.e., displayed in active communications lists of agents’ desktops) |
num_emails_received_new | BIGINT | This specifies the number of new emails that arrived at this service during the given reporting interval.
It excludes emails related to existing threads. Note that the total number of received emails, which includes both new emails and emails related to existing email threads, is reported in column num_calls_received. |
num_emails_remaining_in_personal_queues | BIGINT | This metric specifies the number of emails associated with this service that remained in agents’ My Queue at the end of the interval.
It does not include emails that were being actively processed at the end of the interval. |
num_emails_remaining_in_personal_queues_breached_sla | BIGINT | Number of emails remaining in agents’ personal queues at the end of the interval that breached the service level (i.e., the emails whose time in the system exceeded the service level threshold configured for the given service) |
num_emails_replied_by_agent | BIGINT | This specifies the number of emails that were replied to by agents.
Note that only the first meaningful response is counted as a reply. Possible follow-up message in response to the same incoming email are counted as outbound emails. |
num_emails_service_changed | BIGINT | Number of inbound emails that were recategorized by agents (i.e., the agent changed this service to another email service and continued processing the interaction) |
num_emails_service_change_received | BIGINT | Number of inbound emails that were received via manual recategorization (i.e., the agent changed a previously assigned service to this service and continued processing the email) |
num_fcr | BIGINT | Number of surveys that indicated first-call resolution relative to total number of surveys where a response was given for the first-call resolution question |
num_overflow_calls | BIGINT | Number of service calls that were distributed to overflow destinations |
num_surveys | BIGINT | Number of surveys available for calls handled for this service/campaign |
num_surveys_with_cs | BIGINT | Number of surveys where a response was given for the contact satisfaction question |
num_surveys_with_fcr | BIGINT | Number of surveys where a response was given for the first-call resolution question |
num_surveys_with_nps | BIGINT | Number of surveys where a response was given for the net promoter score question |
ready_time | BIGINT | Total time in the Ready state for all team agents within the aggregation interval |
ringing_time_in | BIGINT | Total ringing time for inbound service calls |
ringing_time_out | BIGINT | Total dialing time for outbound service calls excluding campaign calls (time from the moment an outbound call is initiated till it is answered by the remote party) |
service_name | VARCHAR | Name of the service as defined in service configuration |
start_time | DATETIME | Start time of the aggregation interval |
team_name | VARCHAR | team_name is the name of the team that handled calls associated with this service.
This field is empty for the service metrics that are not team specific. If several teams handled calls associated with the service, the team metrics will be provided for each team separately. |
total_duration_in | BIGINT | This specifies the sum of total durations of inbound service calls.
It includes time in IVR, queue, as well as ringing, talk, and hold times. It does not include after-call work time. |
num_calls_received_cobrowsing | BIGINT | If co-browsing with Surfly is configured, displays the number of interactions received where co-browsing was used. |
num_calls_outbound_cobrowsing | BIGINT | If co-browsing with Surfly is configured, displays the number of outbound interactions where co-browsing was used. |
campaign_calls_cobrowsing | BIGINT | If co-browsing with Surfly is configured, displays the number of campaign calls where co-browsing was used. |